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ORDINANCE N0. 197fiD <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFF-STREET PARi~ING FOR MULTIPLE <br />UNIT DWELLINGS IN A~~ AREA WEST AND EAST OF WILLAMETTE <br />STREET, AND AMENDING SECTION 9.582 OF THE EUGENE CODE, <br />1911. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsection ~g~ of Section 9.582 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />is amended to provide: <br />9.582 Re aired Off-Street Parkin . Off-street parking shall be provided <br />as follows: <br />~g~ Except for the downtown exempt area as described in sub- <br />secti on 9.582 ~ f ~ 1 and shown i n Figure 3A at the end of the ion i ng <br />ordnance, off-street parking for multiple dwellings shall be pro- <br />vided at one parking space for each dwelling unit in the following <br />described area: <br />SOUTH SIDE: <br />East on West 13th Avenue from the western margin of vacated Madi- <br />son Street to the midway point between Washington Street and <br />Lawrence Street; then south midway between Washington Street and <br />Lawrence Street to West 14th Avenue; then east on West 14th Avenue <br />to midway between Lawrence Street and Lincoln Street; then south <br />midway between Lincoln Street and Lawrence Street to the middle of <br />West lfith Avenue, i f extended; then east a1 ong the middle of West <br />lfith Avenue, i f extended, to midway between Lincoln Street and <br />Charnel ton Street; then south midway between Lincoln Street and <br />Charnel ton Street to West 17th Avenue; then East on West 11th Ave- <br />nue to midway between Olive Street and Willamette Street; then <br />south midway between Olive Street and Willamette Street of West <br />19th Avenue; then east on 19th Avenue to High Street; then north on <br />High Street to midway between East 13th Avenue and East 14th Avenue; <br />then east midway between East 13th Avenue and East 14th Avenue to <br />Patterson Street; then, <br />EAST SIDE: <br />North on Patterson Street to East 11th Avenue; then east on East <br />11th Avenue to Hi lyard Street; then north on Hi lyard Street to <br />East Broadway; then on a beari ng of north 19 degrees east to the <br />southerly bank of the Wi 11 amette River; then northwest along the <br />W~ l l amette R~ ver to East 4th Avenue, i f extended; then, <br />NORTH SIDE: <br />West on East 4th Avenue to Coburg Road; then north on Caburg Raad <br />to East 2nd Avenue; then west on East 2nd Avenue to High Street; <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />