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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />McNutt Room —City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />June 29, 2011 <br />Noon <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Betty Taylor, George Brown, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, Mike Clark, <br />Chris Pryor, Alan Zelenka, Pat Farr. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the June 29, 2011, work session of the Eugene City Council to <br />order. <br />A. WORK SESSION: <br />Envision Eugene <br />The council was joined by Shawn Boles, Richard Duncan, Mia Nelson, and Sue Prichard of the Technical <br />Resource Group's (TRG) Partially Vacant Lands Committee. Ed McMahon, Barbara Mitchell, and Laura <br />Potter of the TRG were also present. <br />Planning Director Lisa Gardner and planners Heather O'Donnell, and Jason Dedrick led the council <br />through a PowerPoint presentation entitled Envision Eugene: Project Update for Eugene City Council, <br />June 29, 2011. The presentation provided details about the City's plan to accommodate future single - <br />family development, and included information about anticipated growth, community demographic <br />factors, and housing trends that affected how much land the City needed for single - family development. <br />The presentation also included information about the current housing mix and the housing mix <br />recommendations of consultant EcoNorthwest and the Housing Mix Subgroup, and highlighted key issues <br />related to the amount of single - family housing need that would be monitored by staff in the future as the <br />plan was implemented. The presentation detailed the process used to establish the capacity for single - <br />family development that existed inside the urban growth boundary (UGB) and the assumptions behind the <br />process. The presentation also detailed the process used to identify the capacity for single- family <br />housing that existed on partially vacant lands, specifically the capacity that existed on the 4,500 lots in <br />Eugene that were less than one acre in size. The presentation described efficiency measures that were <br />proposed to help accommodate more single- family houses inside the UGB than were currently allowed <br />and suggested land redesignation as another possible approach toward increasing the amount of single - <br />family land inside the boundary. <br />The presentation also included data about the range of need and the number of units that could be satisfied <br />through vacant land, partially vacant land, efficiency strategies, and land redesignation, indicating that <br />4,460 additional single- family houses could be accommodated within the UGB. The presentation detailed <br />a formula used to translate housing demand into acreage need and concluded with a schedule of upcoming <br />open houses and council work sessions on the subject of single- family housing. <br />Ms. Gardner emphasized the complexity of determining the land need for the anticipated housing mix. <br />She encouraged the council to keep in mind the human scale and how the information in the presentation <br />translated into the community's every day experiences and values. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council June 29, 2011 Page 1 <br />Work Session <br />