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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />McNutt Room —City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />November 9, 2011 <br />Noon <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: George Brown (via speakerphone), Andrea Ortiz, Mike Clark, Chris <br />Pryor, Alan Zelenka, Pat Farr. <br />COUNCILORS ABSENT: Betty Taylor, George Poling. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the November 9, 2011, work session of the Eugene City Council to <br />order. <br />A. WORK SESSION: <br />Exemption to Code on Overnight Camping <br />Ms. Ortiz, seconded by Mr. Pryor, moved to exempt Occupy Eugene from Section <br />4.815's prohibition on camping for Washington- Jefferson Park between 6 and 7 t ' <br />avenues. Unless extended by council action, this exemption shall terminate on December <br />15, 2011. Prior to December 15, the City Manager shall update the council on the <br />Occupy Eugene event, at which time the council can decide whether to extend the <br />December 15 deadline. If, in the opinion of the City Manager, the presence of Occupy <br />Eugene poses an immediate or ongoing risk to public health or safety, the City Manager <br />is authorized to revoke the allowance granted by this motion. <br />Mayor Piercy solicited council comments and questions. <br />Mr. Farr said he continued to be concerned about sanitation, the environment, public safety, and public <br />and private property rights. He determined from Police Chief Pete Kerns that Eugene Police Department <br />(EPD) overtime costs related to Occupy Eugene were approximately $20,000. He also determined from <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz that it would cost about $10,000 to reseed the lawn at the current Occupy Eugene <br />site at Washington - Jefferson Park. City Manager Ruiz did not know if reseeding had been necessary at <br />the Alton Baker Park site and had no estimate of the administrative staff time required in the form of staff <br />attending meetings, etc., but he acknowledged Occupy Eugene had required staff time and committed to <br />providing the council with an estimate of all costs. <br />Mr. Farr observed that the Council Committee on Human Services Funding had been meeting to discuss <br />how to secure more adequate funding, and questioned how much Occupy Eugene was eroding the City's <br />ability to add to its human services budget. <br />Mr. Farr asked if it was legal for camping to occur within the Willamette River Greenway. City Attorney <br />Glenn Klein said his preliminary research did not find any greenway regulation that governed camping. <br />Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code applied to land zoned for public use and that chapter addressed camping. <br />City Attorney Klein pointed out that the motion before the council was tied to the prohibited camping <br />provision in Chapter 4 of the code and did not apply to any other code section. He reported that if one <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council November 9, 2011 Page 1 <br />Work Session <br />