E7 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:28 |
Stat/Beat: 07 |
E7 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:08:10 |
E7 |
03/24/2025 20:08:38 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 0 seconds. |
E7 |
A |
03/24/2025 20:10:58 |
Auto-arriving with offset of 0 seconds. |
E7 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
Cleared at 03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
E8 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:28 |
Stat/Beat: 08 |
E8 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:09:21 |
E8 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
Cleared at 03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
EL11 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:29 |
Stat/Beat: 11 |
EL11 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:09:44 |
EL11 |
03/24/2025 20:10:37 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 0 seconds. |
EL11 |
AV |
03/24/2025 20:14:41 |
AO |
EL11 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
Cleared at 03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
E2 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:30 |
Stat/Beat: 02 |
E2 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:08:27 |
E2 |
03/24/2025 20:09:01 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 0 seconds. |
E2 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:14:22 |
T2 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:30 |
Stat/Beat: 02T |
T2 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:08:23 |
T2 |
03/24/2025 20:09:13 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 0 seconds. |
T2 |
AV |
03/24/2025 20:14:41 |
AO |
T2 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:15:21 |
BC2 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:30 |
Stat/Beat: C2 |
BC2 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:07:39 |
BC2 |
03/24/2025 20:08:12 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 0 seconds. |
BC2 |
A |
03/24/2025 20:13:44 |
Auto-arriving with offset of 0 seconds. |
BC2 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
Cleared at 03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
M1 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:31 |
Stat/Beat: 01M |
M1 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:08:50 |
M1 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:09:47 |
BC1 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:06:31 |
Stat/Beat: C1 |
BC1 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:07:47 |
BC1 |
03/24/2025 20:08:31 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 0 seconds. |
BC1 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:15:17 |
AO |
M11 |
D |
03/24/2025 20:09:27 |
Out Srv: [OUT] at MEAL |
M11 |
E |
03/24/2025 20:09:27 |
Out Srv: [OUT] at MEAL |
M11 |
03/24/2025 20:09:32 |
Current status is:E. Offset of 3 seconds. |
M11 |
C |
03/24/2025 20:14:16 |