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CC Minutes - 11/21/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/21/11 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />Council Chamber --City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street — Eugene, Oregon <br />November 21, 2011 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Betty Taylor, George Brown, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, Mike Clark, <br />Chris Pryor, Alan Zelenka, Pat Farr. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the November 21, 2011, public hearing of the Eugene City Council <br />to order. <br />PUBLIC HEARING: <br />Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Moss Street Located between East 15 Avenue and East <br />17 Avenue (VRI 10 -1) <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz introduced the item, a public hearing regarding a street vacation application <br />submitted by the University of Oregon (UO). He described the area of the vacation, which was the entire <br />north -south right -of -way Moss Street between East 15 and 17 avenues. He noted the applicable <br />approval criterion found in Eugene Code 9.8725, which was that the council must find the vacation to be <br />in the public interest. <br />Mayor Piercy opened the public hearing. <br />Colin McArthur, 160 East Broadway, Cameron McCarthy Landscape and Planning, represented the UO. <br />He asked the council to approve the application as consistent with the approval criterion. He referred to <br />the council to the application materials for evidence of consistency. Mr. McArthur said the vacation <br />implemented East Campus Development Policy 5(e), which was codified in Eugene Code 9.5900. The <br />policy spoke to the purchase of Moss Street and conversion of on- street parking from parallel to head -in <br />parking. The street would continue to function as a two -way street open to the public and emergency <br />vehicles. A street connectivity study provided by the UO found no negative impacts. The vacation was <br />consistent with the City's street connectivity objectives, preserved access to adjacent neighborhoods, and <br />shifted maintenance costs from the City to the UO. <br />Frances Dyke, 1283 University of Oregon, Vice President for Finance and Administration, supported the <br />application. She thanked City staff for its assistance and concurred with the testimony of Mr. McArthur. <br />The vacation would allow the UO to reduce some of its impact on neighbors through the provision of <br />more on- campus parking. The vacation also assisted with arena parking. The UO planned to repair the <br />sidewalks, add street lighting, improve storm water treatment, and install traffic calming features. <br />Gregg Lobisser, 1228 University of Oregon, Assistant Vice President for Capital Projects and Student <br />Affairs, asked the council to approve the vacation. He concurred with the remarks of Mr. McArthur and <br />emphasized the UO's commitment to reducing the impact of UO operations on its neighbors. He said the <br />addition of new residential beds on campus did not add to parking demand as most students did not bring <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council November 21, 2011 Page 1 <br />Public Hearing <br />
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