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<br />19~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Counci 1 Chambiers, Eugene t Oregon. <br />April 22, 1929. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Common Council, held at the <br />hour of 7:00 o'clock P. M. on April 22, 1929. There were present Mayor H. E. <br />Wilder, and all members of the Council except Heid. Meeting called to order <br />by the' Mayor. <br /> <br />~ <br />,~ <br /> <br />.....~.... . <br />- "';.y' <br /> <br />!...~ <br /> <br />Mr. Mahlon Sweet addressed the Council with reference to value <br />and improtance of the Eugene Airport, and presented data showing the develop~ <br />ment ot' air craIt"t, and urged upon the Council the advisability of perfecting the <br />local Airport, in order to hold 1'01' ~ugenet its prestige as an Airport. Chair- <br />man Lamb of the Stree t C ommi t tee thought that the City should gravel the lam. ing <br />rield, and it was suggested the matter be ref'erred to the City Engineer. Mr. <br />Fred Brady of the Warren Bros. Co. suggested that he would like to offer a plan <br />for permanent run ways a t the Air port t an d wi th th is in view, the ma t ter was laid <br />over until the next meeting of the Council. <br /> <br />Councilman Reid appeared in Council at this time. <br /> <br />Councilmen Lamb and Monroe recommended that the City purchase paint <br />equipment consisting of compressor,motor, and tankt and spray gun, transformer and <br />air hose, and fitting, at an estimated cost or about ~6G5.00. Motion was made, <br />seconded, and carried instructing the Recorder to purchase said outfit. <br /> <br />Councilman Washburne presented a complaint of Captain Thompson con- <br />cerning a nieghboring house on Chula Vista, which was projecting into the City <br />::ltreet. The City Engineer advised the Council that this matter was to be adjusted, <br />the ,owner of' the property having promised to remove the portion 01' the building <br />standing within the Street. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Chairman of the Street Committee, Mr. Lamb, recommended that no <br />action be taken on the offer 01' Mr. Foster to sell property to the ,City. Such <br />recommendation, on motion, was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Lamb also repor ted that markers on Nd.xon ::ltreet as petitioned <br />for at the last me e ting, wi 11 be taken care of. <br /> <br />MI'. Lamb recommended ,that the petition tor the paving ot' ~nd Avenue <br />from Blair Boulevard to the City Limits be granted as petitioned 1'01', provided <br />that Lane COWlty will agree to improve said Street t'rom the City Limits to the <br />Elmira Road. Such recommendation, on motion was adopted. <br /> <br />The matter of the improvement at. Columbia '=>treet from 24th Avenue to <br />Heed Avenue, and the remonstrance of the block or said street between Indiana <br />and .heed Ave nue s was cons id ered, and the ;:) treet C ommi t tee rec ommended tba. t the <br />Council proceed under the terms of' the original petition, and that the remon- <br />strance be denied, and the motion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt such <br />rec ommenda ti on. <br /> <br />Chairman Hendershott 01' the J:t'ire & wa tel' Commi ttee reported that they <br />have been unable to locate the intersection of 25th and Nixon :::;treets, but would <br />report later on the request for a light at that point. <br /> <br />A bill of Charles H. A. Brechtel against the Unitarian Church Parsonage <br />for sewer connection, which had been referred to Councilman Heid, Chairman 01' the <br />Sewer Committee, was presented, and at his suggestion referred to the City <br />.h:ngineer to check as to any liability of the City. <br /> <br />Mr. Reid also called the attention of,the Council to a notice served <br />by the Building Inspector upon .tvir. Earl Moore, requiring him to connect his <br />residence at 16G6 Jefferson Street to the jewer. On account of Mr. Moore's <br />present 1'inancial circumstances, the recommendation that he be granted an extensio <br />01' time, until the middle of August, to comply with the notice was, on motiont <br />duly adopted. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A communication from G. F. Hyde, suggesting future improvements for <br />Chula Vista Park, in the line 01' paving and sewer improvements was read and <br />placed on file. <br /> <br />A gmeral discussion of the, department or Police Matron, and. the ma tter <br />of' adequa te of :ric e and. supply 1'0 oms wa~ co ns, an d. a mot ion was made, second- <br />ed, and c~ried that the City provide a separate room for the clothing distributio <br />department of 1irs. Ady's work, and that she be allowed $~OO.OO per year to take <br />care of department, and that Mrs. Ady's office room be properly equipped for <br />her needs. <br /> <br />~ <br />