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<br /> r'" 26 . <br /> - - -. -- --- '--~--- -...... n' - - -- --- ... _......-- _ . . ._ _ .. _~T._ -- ,-_.. - ----_.-. - .- ._.____ 0-0 <br /> _.- - . -- --. . . ---- .'. -- ,-. .--.----- ".-- -- -- . - - - <br /> .. - . .-, .. ~ - ....- --- __4'_ -- --,- <br /> TheCi ty Reoorder reported that the County Court had agreed to acoept the <br /> prinoipal sum of $20.33 in full of all olaims for taxes against the Opal IV. Niokulil <br /> prope,rty, beinl~ an unj;llatted desoription of a traot 47 x 141 fee t, referred to as <br /> assessor's des()rlption 2 page 1330 Vol. 1, and that this traotas advised by the I <br /> ~I City Engineer lies within the proposed opening of 24th Avenue East from Alder to <br /> University ~trE~ets. A motion was made and seconded that the City acoept the County 's <br /> CbII offer, and thah t;he Recorder issue a warrant to Lane County for $20.33 and obtain <br /> ~.-"'U conveyanoe f.l'O!!l them. The ayes and nays were oalled, all present voting aye, nay, <br /> I none, absent Washburne and Monroe. <br /> . <br /> I The Reoorder called attention to t.he reports of the Engineer regarding the <br /> II proposed openiJ~ of various streets as recommended by the City Planning Commission <br /> on April 14th of this year. It was the sense of the Counoil that these reports <br /> should be held for use at suoh time as seemed expedient to pass resolutions per- <br /> taining to the opening of these streets. <br /> , . <br /> Statement of Hobi Airways Company for field recei pt s for month of Septembe.l' <br /> was placed on jri Ie. <br /> Report ()f Building Inspeotor for the month of October. was read and plaoed . <br /> on file. <br /> The following resolution was read: <br /> - <br /> nWhereaf~, the Ci ty Couneil on May 11 th,1925, by Ordlnanee No. 4796, erron- <br /> eously assessecl the cost of construetion of a sidewalk on thee East side of Olive <br /> Street between 19th and 20th Avenues to property on the West side of said street., <br /> described as Lot 1, Block 1, College lUll Park, for the sum of $48.25, _ . <br /> Now Therefore, be it resolved <that said assessment be and is hereby oan- <br /> I. celled, and thEt City Treasurer instru.cted to oanoel the same upon the lien dockets <br /> of the City ~f Eugene." <br /> I <br /> Moti on was madE', seeonded, and earried to adopt .the .resolutlon. <br /> A sidewalk Improvement Ordinanee for a walk to be construeted on the ~ast <br /> I side of Olive Street between 19th and 20th Avenues, desoribed as The South 50 feet <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I of Lot 1, Block 1, Hill Crest Addition to Eugene, Oregon, was read the first time, <br /> I and passed its second and third readings by title by unanimous oonsent unde.l' sus- I <br /> pension of the rule, and was plaeed on its fInal passage. The ayes and nays were <br /> I oalled, all present voting aye, nay, none, absent Washburne and Monroe. The <br /> , Ordinanoe was cleolared passed and numbered 7947. <br /> An Ordinanoe levying assessments for grading Indiana Avenue from the East <br /> !I line ot Columbia Street to the West line of Van Ness Street was read the fi.l'st <br /> II time and laid ove.l'. <br /> II SeventeEtn Sidewalk Assessment Ordinanoes were read the first time and laid <br /> 11 over. <br /> Ii Seven sidewalk assessment Ordinanoes, having been read the first time on <br /> Ootober 13, 1930, and registered notices for protest having been sent and now no <br /> protests being reoeived, said ordinances were read the seoond time, and passed <br /> I their third readings by title by unanimous consent under suspension of the rule, <br /> II and were plaoed on their final passage. The ayes and nays were oalled, all present . <br /> voting' aye, na~r, none, absent Washburne and Monroe. The Ordinances were deelared <br /> passed, and numbe.l'ed oonsecutively from 7948 to 7954, both numbers inolusive. <br /> II <br /> The Polloe Committee recommended that C. F. Bergman and C. R. Mahony be <br /> I appoin ted as patrolmen on the poliee force, commencing November 1st at a salary of <br /> $125.00 per month, and that they be plaoed on the ~la.l' pay roll and the Recorder <br /> 1 be instruoted tiO draw their salaries at the time regular salaries are ,drawn. <br /> II Motion was made and sec.onded to adopt the reoommendation. The ayes and nays were <br /> oalled, all prosen t voting aye, nay, none, absent Washburne and Monroe. <br /> .I <br /> :i <br /> II The quef~tion of painting stop Street Signs red or installing Lens-Liteo.l' <br /> II <br /> II other red refleetors signs was diseussed, and .the Reoorder instructed to 'obtain <br /> sample s of different methods for inspection. by the Street Department before any <br /> i aotion is taken. <br /> I <br /> The finanoe oommittee reported and reeommended payment of the following <br /> bills. The aYE'S and nays were oalled, all present voting aye, nay, none, absent I? <br /> Washburne and Monroe: <br /> DIS,~RICT IMPRO VE1'IENT <br /> I W. W. B. Constl'uction Co. $ 14. 35 L. H. Holeman $ 34.00 <br /> I Peter A. Nelson 7.28 Peter A. Nelson 412.44 <br /> L. H. Holeman 69.87 <br /> N. T. Jorgenson 75.00 <br /> Ware-& Son 235.88 <br /> .. <br /> I <br /> .....1 <br />