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<br /> .. ~ <br /> . 87 <br /> ~_.- -- < - - - ~ - < ~- ~ -'-- - ' <br /> -- _u ___ __ -0 .., -- - - - --- - - - -- - -- . --- - - -- - .-.- ~ - - -. <br /> COUDeil Chambers, Eugene, Oregon, <br /> 0 ~ September 14, 1931. <br /> I . <br /> < Minutes ot the regular monthly ~ession of the Common C1ouncil, held CO <br /> at 7:30 o'clock p. M., September 14,1931. Council was called to order by ,;~ <br /> Mayor H. E. Wilder with all Councilmen present. .~, <br /> "v <br /> Minutes of the regular meeting of August lOth, 1931, and of the adjourn- <br /> ed meeting of August 24th, 1931, were read and approve~. <br /> . Bids for the sale of $200,000.00 Power and Light'Bonds of the City of <br /> Eugene were opened. and read, bids being received from Rufus C. Holman, State <br /> Treasurer; ,$mith, Camp & Rile.jr, Ltd. et al; and. Ferris & Hard.grove et ale On <br /> motion the bid.s were referred to the Eugene Water Board for consid.eration, and <br /> later the Eugene Water Board. returned said bid.s with a recommendation to the Qounc <br /> that the sale of the bonds be awarded. to the State of Oregon Treasury Department. <br /> Chairman Large of the Finance Committee moved that the reoommendation of the Water <br /> .' Board be ad.opted, and that the Counoil now find.s and d.etermines that the bid. of th <br /> State of Orego~ Treasury Department by Rutus C. Holman, State Treasurer, whioh bid <br /> is as follows, towi t: <br /> "~on. Mayor and Common Council, <br /> Eugene, Oregon. <br /> Gentlemen: <br /> I ' For the $200,000 Power and Light bonds of the oity of Eugene, to be <br /> dated October 1, 1931, to bear interest at the rate of 4~ per annum, payable semi. <br /> annually at the offioe of the City Treasurer of Eugene, and. to mature serially as <br /> follows: <br /> , . <br /> $6 000 10-1-38 $ 9 000 10-1-45 $12 000 10-1-52 <br /> 7 000 10-1-39 9 000 10-1-46 12 000 10-1-53 <br /> 7 000 10-1-40 10 000 10-1-47 13 000 10-1-54 <br /> 7 000 10-1-41 10 000 < 10-1-48 13 000 10-1-55 <br /> , 8 000 10"",1~42 10 000 10-1.,.,49 14 000 10..1-56 <br /> I 8 000 10...1-43 1~ 000 . 10-1-50 15,000 10-1-57 <br /> . 8 000 10~1..44 11 000 . 10-1.,.51 <br /> we offer $100.61 for eaoh $J.OO.OO par val~e and acorued interest to date of <br /> delivery. <br /> . , <br /> , It is understood that you wili furnish to the suooessful bidder the ~ , <br /> approving legal opinion of Teal, Winfree, ).IcCul10ch & Shuler, Portland, Oregon, <br /> evidenoing the legality and regularity of. the issue. <br /> . <br /> We are not enolosing oertified oheck with the bid, for the reason that <br /> acoording to the provisions of Chapter 359, Oregon Laws 1931, suoh deposit is not <br /> required from the State of Oregon. <br /> Yours very truly, <br /> Rufus e. Holman, StateXreasurer, <br /> . By"red H. Paulus, Deputy. n <br /> is the highest and best bid received, and that the same is hereby accepted by the <br /> City of Eugene, and that the sale of said bonds be award~d to the State of Oregon <br /> Treasury Department in aocordance with said bid, and that all other bids be r~ject <br /> ed and that the Recorder be instructed to return the cheoks of unsuccessfUl bidder . <br /> The motion was seoonded, and the ayes and. nays were called, counoilmen voting aye, <br /> e~ght, nay, none, and the motion was declared carried. <br /> The Judiciary Committee, by Chairman Edwards, recommended to the Council <br /> the adoption of the proposed oontract with Hobi Airways, a o9rporat,ion, and on <br /> motion duly seoonded the recommendation was adopted. <br /> Chairman Large of the Finance Committee reported on the :rollowing: <br /> That apparently there is nothing that oan be done in reference to the <br /> I oharge made by the banks in the handling of City funds. <br /> Recommended that the following bills be paid. The ayes and nays were <br /> called, all Councilmen voting aye, nay, none: <br /> IMPROVEMENT BOND I J.I1TEREST FUND <br /> F., Wentworth, Treas. A~l ,000.00 F . Wentworth, Treas. $1,000.00 <br /> F. Wentworth, Treas. 1,000.00 F. Wentworth, Treas. 1,208.15 <br /> INTERSECTION FUND <br /> .. $2,800.23 F. Wentworth, Treas. <br /> F. Wentworth, Treas. $1,825.76 <br /> F. Wentworth, Treas. $2,000.00 <br /> ..... <br />