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<br />-"'" <br />.: <br /> <br />~ <br />~93 <br /> <br />: <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Monthly ~epo~ts fo~ Ap~il, 1933, of the Police Depa~tment, City Enginee~, <br />Fi~e Chief, and Public Lib~a~y we~e ~ead and filed. <br /> <br />'::t""- <br /> <br />~.: <br /> <br />The Reco~de~ ~epo~ted the completion of the t~ansaction with Mr. E. F. <br />1hl~phy on the ~eceipt f~om him of ~28.34, and the issuance of a deed by the Mayo~ <br />and Reco~der reconveyingto him Lot 6, Block 5, Chaffibe~s Addition, and the ~eturn- <br />ing of this p~operty to the tax rolls. <br /> <br />The request of the Associated Oil Company to install a metal sash and wire <br />reinfo~ced window glass at the Service Station on lOth and Olive Streets was, on <br />mot ion, grant ed. <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />Applications of D,r. C. H. Hartman of Klamath Falls, Oregon" and A. R. Andrews <br />of Elkton, Oregon for the position of Milk and Meat Inspecto~ were read. A <br />Communication from the Ci tyi30ard of Health recommending to the Council the <br />temporary appointc'1ent of Dl~. Helterline of Eugene as lIIill{ and treat Inspector was <br />read. Mayor Large nominated Dr. Hel terline, under recofnmendation of the Board of <br />Health for a temporary term of not more than six months. Mr. Hende~shott moved, <br />and };I~. Edwards seconded the motion to confirm this appointment, and the aye sand <br />'na.ys we~e called. Councilmen voting aye: Hendershott, Bond and Edwards. Nay: <br />Lamb, Reid, Simon and Zumwalt. Thereupon Councilman Zumwalt, Chairman of the <br />Heal th Comilli ttee, recommended to Ma'y'o~ Lal~ge the nominat ion of Dr. H. R. Hoon of <br />Portland, Oregon, as Milk and Meat Inspector. Thereupon Mayor Large stated in <br />recoe:nition of the evident desil'e of the I'na,jority he would nominate Dr. H. R. Hoon <br />as Milk and Meat Inspector. Motion was made and seconded to confirm this appoint- <br />ment, with the understanding that Dr. Hoon vvould receive the same compensation <br />allowed to his ,predecessor, LIl~. Lav/rence, for this service. On vive voce vote the <br />motion was declared carried. <br /> <br />An Ordinance creating a COlllinission to be known as the 130ard of Health, and <br />defining i't s powers and dut ie s, was read the fir st ti me and ~efer l~ed to the <br />Judiciary and Health CO[~1ittees ill1d the City Atto~ney. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />An Ordinance declaring the intention of the Comnon Council of the City of <br />Eugene to make a re-assessment of the Cost of constructing a sidewalJc on the East <br />side of Orchard Street between 15th mId 17th Avenues, abutting Lot 14, Block 11, <br />Fairmount, according to the amended Plat thereof, and fixing a time and place for <br />holdin{~ a meeting of the Council at which all protests against' such re-assessment <br />shall be hea~c1, and directing the ~;ivin5 of notices, was read the first time and <br />passed its second and third readings under suspension of the rule by a unanimous <br />consent of the Council, and was placed upon its final passage. The ayes and nays <br />were called, and Councilmen votine; aye 7, nay, :noYle, absent Scobert. rrhe <br />Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8329. <br /> <br />An O~dinance c~eatine; a special permit fO.r the cutting of curbs at the corner <br />of Eleventh Avenue East and Oak Street in the City of Eugene was read the fi~st <br />time, and p;:?ssed its second and third readings by title under suspension of the <br />rule b,y the unanimous consent of the Council, and was placed upon its final <br />passage. 'l'he 8.y'es and nays were called, Councilmen voting aye, 7, nay, none, <br />absent Scobert. The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8330. <br /> <br />,.:' <br /> <br />An Ordinance g~anting a special permit to the Shell Oil CompalW to store <br />f;as'oline at its se~vice Station at Eleventh Avenue East and Oak Streets in the City <br />of EU{'ene was read the fil~8t time, and passed its second and third readings by <br />title under suspension of the ~ule by the unanimous consent of the'Council, and was <br />placed upon its final passage. The ayes and nays were called, Councilmen voting aye <br />7, nay, none, absent Scabert. The O~dinance was declared passed and numbered 8331. <br /> <br />On motion of Councilman Zumwalt, the Recorder was directed to request Health <br />Officer, Dr. R. C. Romig, to file monthly health reports with the City Council. <br /> <br />A general discussion of the advisability of making certain repairs to the <br />Ci ty Hall, and of constructing an addi tional Council and Court room immediately <br />West of the Hecorder's Office, under the use of funds provided by the Reconstruct- <br />ion Finance Cor"ooration was had. Councilman Bond moved that the re~<j3;il'S to the <br />Recorder's Office and construction of Council Chambe~ and C01~t Room be referred <br />to the Guildil1B: Ins.pecto~ with power to act. The motion \V8.S seconded and carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />On motion the Council adjourned to meet at 7:30 0'clock P.M. on May 22, 1933. <br /> <br />R. S. Bryson, <br /> <br />City Recorclel'. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />.; <br /> <br />..ollllI <br />