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<br />r;08 .. <br />- ~_._-- . - --- -- .- - ~ - . - -- - . - - -- ~ .-_.- -. - . -~ --. .--> -- - <br /> _. -- _. - - -- - . _. -- .-+ ---. - ~ .-_. -- - -" _. . ~ <br /> . -_.~.- __ To --- . -.--, .~ . .__ _ ___ _ ___ . ... ___ 6 _ <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon. <br />. :L~{ Augu st 28, 1933. I <br />. 'C~~~. :Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Common Council held at the hour of <br />;;.:...~. <br />~ 7:30 o'clock P;M., August 28, 1933. Council was called to order by Mayor E. Large, <br /> with all Councilmen present. <br /> Mr. Howard appeared before the Council urgin.:.g the passing of an amendment to <br /> the Peddler' s Oi~dinance which would exempt wh~lesale and retail produce peddlers <br /> from the payment of a Oi ty license so long as they were cover.ed by a State license. <br /> An Ordinance which had been prepared was referred to the Judiciary Committee and <br /> City Attorney for consideration. <br /> Councilman Zumwalt moved that the petition to permit pastuerization of. milk <br /> I outside the Ci t.)i' be laid on the table. Attorne.;l James K. King and Fish, a <br /> I Dairyman, objected to the proceedings, and after some discussion the motion was <br /> withdrawn to giv'e an oPPol'tunity to the objectors to discuss the matter further . <br /> I with the Oi ty Board of Health before any action should be tal-ren by the Council. <br /> Engineer Clubb stated that the Eugene Hospital desired to ];a ve t he alley <br /> South of their property at their own expense, and to let their own contract. The <br /> ,worle to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. Councilman Lamb moved <br /> that they be granted this privilege vvith the understanding that they pay~their part <br /> of the alley intersection, and that the City pay its part and that which woula be <br /> asse ssed against a striJ! belonging to the Knight s of Pythias Lodge. Motion was <br /> , seconded and ca.r'ried. <br /> I The Judiciary C~mmit tee stated that they were not prepared to recommend the <br />11 signing of a for the location of the C.C.C. Camp' in Riverview Park. There <br /> " was noosentiment in the Council for enterinG upon this lease and no action was <br /> I t ak:e.n. <br /> Chairman Hendershott of the Finance Committee reported the following bills. <br /> to the Council with recommendation that they be allowed, and motion was made and <br /> seconded that warl'ants be drawn-for same. The ayes and nays were called, Council- <br /> men voting aye, 7, nay, none, absent none. I <br /> PLAYGROUND FUND <br />I <br />I Gilbert Sprague ~95.90 <br /> Jim Bl'ooke 49.00 <br /> Ri chal'c1 Brooke 31.00 <br /> I <br /> I 'rhe Street Committee and City Engineer reported adversl,y upon the petition to <br /> cover the ditch on 24th Avenue between University and Onyx Streets. <br /> Councilman Zumwalt reported for the Health COD~ittee that they were opposed <br /> to the increase of the license for garbage hauling, and on mot ion request was <br /> denied. <br /> Councilman Simon for the Police Co~uittee reported [enerally on matters <br /> referl'ed, and stated that the Committee was Ol?'posed to any regulation for traffic <br /> at 8th and HiCh Streets; that the parking of trucks on Willamette Street was . <br /> apparently covered by ordinance, and a matter for the Police Department; that the <br /> ~com.plaint of an ambulance parking on Willamette Street had been solved by the <br /> I di scontinuance of t his business ; and tha t 11 th Avenue stop street had been frequent- <br /> IIY,diSCUssed, and the Co@uittee had no recommendations to make. <br /> I . A co@uunication from Chief Bergman to Dr. Simon, as Chairman of the Police <br /> I Committee, was read, indicating that the beer parlor at 826 West Park, conducted by <br /> !,W. H. O'Hara.was a pub.1;.ic nu~sance,.and Go~ncilman Simon moved that. the Council <br /> Irevoke the llcense of ~~. O'Hara. fhe motlon was seconded and carrled. <br /> Cijief of Police Bergman recommended that the Application of Lillian Lowry to <br /> operate Central Hotel at 826 Pearl Street be denied, and moti.on was made, seconded <br /> and carried denying the application. <br /> I <br /> I The request of the Pacific Evangelistic Association for permission .to erect a <br /> IGospel tent on Lot 7 and 8, Block 1, ~ils Addition, was presented and on motion I <br /> duly seconded and carried, this Association was granted a 60 day permit for such <br /> I pur pose s. . <br /> I Statement of the Eugene Public Library for the month of August, 1933 was <br /> ~Placed on file. _ <br /> I A communication from Frame ~. 3eistel urging the Council to change the name of <br /> jRiVerView Park, was continued for consideration in anticipation of a further <br /> ~petition to be presented later. <br /> \\ rrhe .r~quest o~ Safeway Stol~es for cancellation of their Beer License and . <br /> Ire~unQ o~ wlO.OO llcense fee was on motion denied <br /> I . <br />~, <br />