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<br />~2:t4 <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />- . - - ~- ,- -- -- <br />rk_ _ __ n ~ __ _ _ __m_ ~ _ _ _-. _, __ _ __ _ ~ _._ _ _._ <br />__ .u_ __ __ _ __ _ <br />II ,- . - --.. _. - -"-- .. - -- ' - - .. . ~ -.., - -- --- - - ..- <br /> <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />l~'!',' Council Chamb,ers, Eugene, Oreg an , <br />~~:... S e p t em bel' 25, 19 33 . <br />J~." I <br />-~i <br />~ :''- ~, \ <br /> <br />l\1inu te s of the adj ourned fUee tine; of t11e Common C cuncil held at the hour of <br />7:30 olclock Se9tember 25th, 1933. Council was called to order by liayor <br />E. Lal~ge with all Councilmen present except I,Lr. Reid. <br /> <br />, <br />A communication from the City .Doard of Health was read stating that it had ' <br />no objection to pastuerization of milk outside the City limits, provided that the <br />I standard of milk pastuerization be maintained, and James K. King, representine <br />: t:wse requesting pastuerization authority outside the limits of the City of <br />II Ii.u",;ene, presented their position, and an ol'dinance amending section "I, item 16 of <br />II Ordinance No. J875, was read, the first and second times and laid over on objection <br />I of Douncilman tlendershott on its 'third reading. <br /> <br />I A resolution of the Eugene Business and Professional WomenTs Club, asking the .. <br />II chanGe of name of Riverview Park and urgine the name of Skilmel,ls Butte Park <br />instead, was presented to the Council and referred to the Pal'k Board. lvII's. Dr. <br />, Smith vIho presented the resolution to the Council also suggested, that the \."lomenTs <br />II Club would lDee to take over the planning and improvement and beautifying of this <br />Park, upon proper authority of the City Council and Pal'k 30ard. Mrs. 111iles and <br />~. L. Skinner also appeared before the Council on these matters. <br /> <br />At this time Councilman Reid appeared in Council. <br /> <br />Chairman Lamb of the Street Committee recommended that markers be set to <br />indicate the proJ?er placing of school protection signs in the street. The matter <br />was referred to the City Engineer. <br /> <br />Councilman Zumwalt presented the request of Theodore Zehrung to tear down <br />an old building located between 1801 and 1839 Orchard Street for the use of the <br />lumbel". bIr. Zumwalt stated that the Chief of Police had inspected the building <br />and found that it should be condemned, and moved that if this building is on City <br />I Pl'operty, the Recorder instruct trr. Zehrung that his request is granted. I <br />I <br />'i Mr. Zumwalt also presented a c0!11nlunication of Dr. J. 'if. '.7atex's, applying for <br />I, the position, of I,Tille and l>Ieat Ins()ector, and the communication was 11eferred to the <br />I Board of Health. <br /> <br />I Hr. Zumwalt also turned ovel1 the checl\: of 1,1. ~l. ',!arlick for $7.00 in pu,yment <br />I for wire and bear feed. The amount of the check was a compromise by the Health <br />I Committee made with 1~. Warlick, and was accepted by the Council as a satisfactory <br />conclusion of the di sposi tl 011 of the bear to LIr. \7ar lick and Dr. Howard. <br /> <br />The application of G. F. and Leva Taylor for a RoominG House permit at 137 <br />East 3roadway, ap9roved by Chief Der~man, was on motion [ranted. <br /> <br />I The request of O. K. Baldwin for return of ;$2.50 paid for a sto re milk <br />I license was presented and mot ion made and seconded that the claim be a11 owed, and <br />on an aye and nay vote was rei~sed. Councilmen voting aye: Lamb, Hendershott and <br />Reid. Nay: Simon, Zumwalt, Edwards, 30nd and Harris. , <br />1\' · <br />I The Finance Committee, by lir. Hendershott, reported the purchase of ~1500.00 <br />1 Eugene Improvement Bonds due in 1936 at a price of 92 for the CityTs use in the <br />payment of ~ts installment on intersection bond debt, and the purchase of ~lOOO.OO <br />'I Refunding 5~b Bond due December 1, 1936 at aorice of 96 for Sinking Fund, and that <br />1(' the se Bonds had be en deli vered and acc ep ted b,y- the TreaStH'er, and moved tha t the <br />Council confirm the purchase of these bonds. The motion was seconded and ayes and <br />11 nay scalI ed. C ounci Ime n all vo t ing aye. <br /> <br />II Chairman Simon of the Poli ce C ol!lrni t tee submit t ed a favo rable repor t of the <br />Ii Committee on the applications of H. S. Leeper and j-. A. Seely for General Retailers <br />II and of Oregon Transport and T'rading Company and EalleyTs Inc. for Wholesalers <br />I Alcohclic Beverage License, and on motion duly seconded and carried the Recorder <br />ViaS instructed to issue licenses to these four' applicants. <br /> <br />A mot ion "vas made, seccnded and carried tha t an Ordinance l1ead the first time <br />I on September 11, 193~J to runend Section 27 of Ordinance Ho. 95 be amended by I <br />II charJ€ing the maxim~m f~ne to ~l?r;.OO al1~ in?l,?-ding ,~?e words: lTOr sel:tenced to not <br />I more than 50 da,l,Ts 1ffipr1sonment 111 the C1 t~r Ja1l." 'i\!hereupol1 the Ordl:nance was <br />:1 read its second and third readings and was placed upon its final passage. Ayes ' <br />I and nays were called, Councilmen all votine in favor of the passage of the Ordinanc . <br />I The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8360. <br /> <br />An Ordinance amending Section 10 of Ordinance' 8327, enti tled HAn Ordinance <br />I taxinf" licensing and regulating the places of sale and the sale of spirituous, <br />mal t, fermented and vinous liquors in the Ci ty of :J:i,.....llf,;e :1e, fixing a penal ty and <br />declaring an emergency. n, passed April 3, 1933, and appr oved April 4, 1933, was ,_. <br />read the rirst time and passed its secomd and third readings under suspension of tt <br /> <br /> <br />~ - <br />