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<br />. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />.=>- <br />.' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />.: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />-"--~.. - - <br />- ~- <br /> <br />/ ~ <br />I <br />: 283 <br /> <br />. ___ -____~. _~_c _~ . ____ <br />- - -, - <br /> <br />Council Chambe~s, EU,~ne, Oregon' <br />May G 8, 1934. <br /> <br />f...:? <br />0"-", <br />-' <br />, ' <br />;~ <br /> <br />l\tinu tes of the adj ou~ned meeting of the Common Council held at the hour of <br />7:30 o'clock P.LI., Hay 28, 193.:1. Council ViaS called to order by l.Iayor Lal~ge, <br />with all Councilmen present except Llr. Zumwalt. <br /> <br />ill". ~allace crintle~ asked for permission to install a sales booth on <br />',7illamette Street in connection vvith the indoor circus to be held by the Legion, <br />and on motion pe~mission was granted. <br /> <br />Llr. WintleI' also asked, in behalf of the -veteran's organizations, permiss- <br />ion f~om the City to use the st~eets and to have the usual Fourth of July <br />concessions in connection with the Fou~th of July celebration. On motion <br />seconded and carried the request was g~anted. <br /> <br />Attorney Gordon TIells sought to review the refusal of (the Council to act on <br />the application of Theodore Stewart fo~ a beer license in the University zone. <br />~he Council refused to take action on the license, but advised r-.I~. Wells that <br />the~e was no objection individually agai~st li~. Stewa~t. <br /> <br />t.'i:r. Heca thorn, re pre se nting the 1.100se LOdge, as1ced the end orsement of the <br />Council on their application for liquor license, and motion was made and seconded <br />that the endo~sement be granted. Councilmen voting for the motion: Lamb, <br />Hendershott and Reid. Against the motion: Simon, Bond, Edwards and Harris, <br />absent Zumwalt. Councilman Bond moved that the Recorder be instructed to write <br />the State Liquor COl~nissiOll advising them that the Council has no objection to <br />the State Liquor Commission granting a license to the ,Hoose Lodge. Motion was <br />seconded and ca~ried. <br /> <br />I.Il~. L1erriam, representing the Eu{~ene Fruit Grower's Association, addressed <br />the Council on the subject of sewer cormection, and on motion of Councilman <br />Reid, seconded and carried, the l.Iayor appointed a committee consisting of the <br />Sewer Co~nittee, City EnGineer, and City Attorney, to meet with the representa- <br />tives of the E'ugene Fl~uit Grower's and dravv up a satisfactory agreement. <br /> <br />Dick I.Iatteson objected to the recent amendment to the Electl~ical Ordinance, <br />definine; socket equipment, and he ~,vas instructed to take the matter up with the <br />Electrical 3oard. <br /> <br />The Street Co~nittee recommended that the City purchase a Ford dual wheel <br />power hoist t~uck for the Street Department, at a cost sliehtly under ~1,000.00, <br />and that the Recorder be authorized to com[Jlete the purchase wi th the Simmons <br />Hotor Company. The ayes and nays were called, Councilman 'VotinG aye 7, nay none, <br />ab sent Zumv,ral t . ' <br /> <br />Councilcllan Ha~ris" in behalf of Councilman Zumwalt, recommended that the <br />conderlli1ation proceedinf,s be cowaenced af,ainst an old barn at 1569 Willamette <br />St~eet, and a buildin[ at 1225 Agate Street. On motion the recommendation \~S <br />adopted by the Council; and on objection the proposal to condemn the large barn <br />owned by I.Irs. IIc.i.lurphy on Hest 8th was held up for further consideration. <br /> <br />Councilman Reid called attention to.t~ee roots plugging the sewer at 667 E. <br />12th street. The matter was refer~ed to the City En~inee~. Councilman Lamb <br />~aised the question of takinG some action, by ordinance, regarding the planting <br />of poplars and other trees within the City, in view of the past experience of the <br />roots of these trees cloge;ing sewers. No action was taken. <br /> <br />Councilman Harris reported adversely on the suggestion of naming the Rest <br />Cottage Tf1Nilkins Cottagell. He also reported he had secured bids for 300 ft. of <br />1 in. and 300 ft. of ~ in. pipe for extending the water service to the picnic <br />grounds in Hendricl\:s Par]\:, and on motion Councilman Harl"is was autho~ized to <br />proceed and complete the job. <br /> <br />The petition of a committee from the lIethodist Church aslcine; for the placing <br />of markers near the curb in front of the Church building to designate a place <br />for unloadinG passengers was, on motion, laid on the table. <br /> <br />A communication from the Lane County Auto Repairmen's Association protest- <br />iJ1b the holdinr; down of a City jOb by Hr. H. C. Powell, and enf,a~ing at the <br />same time in automobile repair work, was referred to the Street COlllinissioner, <br />C. A. LeVan. <br /> <br />The Finance COfIlffii ttee, by Chairman Hendel"shott, reported adversely on the <br />offer of ~"l. E. l?ool to pay the City ~50.00 in satisfaction of its liens aBainst <br />a portion of Lot 16, Block 2, Sladden's Addition. The rep'o~t, on motion, was <br />ap pro ved. <br /> <br />.....1 <br />