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<br /> J""" <br /> 128 <br /> --- ~ _--.--.--- -~..._-~~- <br /> "~~__-,-~...-c- <br /> --,-- - --- -- - -- ~~ --. -...... '- -....-- - - <br /> _. -+- - -- -. -- <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene. Oregon <br /> September 26. 1938 <br /> . ~q"" I <br /> ~ <br /> ~ The minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Common Council held at the <br /> 01::: hour' of' 7:30 o'clock P.M., September' 26, 1935. Mayor Elisha Large presided over <br /> the meeting. Councilmen present were: Messrs. Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Page,. Far- <br /> 1 rington, Bond and Carlson; absent, Hanns. <br /> The minutes of the previous meeting, September 12, 1938, were presented <br /> 2 and ordered filed. 0' ._,. .". <br /> - . -- .' ...,.' <br /> Clouncilman Lamb, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee,' requested the Re- I <br /> corder to proceed with the hearing on the proposed condemnation of Frasier"s pro- <br /> perty known as Joe's Place located at 57 6th Avenue East. Hearing 'was called and <br /> no representation was made by any of the parties served. Mr. 'Lamb' added' that a <br /> further' mee,ting had been arranged for 2:00 0' clock P.M., Tuesday, september 27,1938 <br /> in'the off'ice of the City Attorney, Tiffany Building and respectfully' requested tha' <br /> the public hearing be continued at the meeting of the council to 'be.held October' <br /> 10, 1938. Upon motion made and seconded, this recommendation was approved and the <br /> 3/ City Recorder was instructed to notify the interested parties of this action. <br /> Qn behalf' of her'cllent, Miss Edith Gardiner made a counter-offer of, <br /> tSOO.OO for Lot 6, Block 6, Gross Addition. The',:Financ'e COmnl~t~~~~~eed to ac- <br /> cept; the $800.0Dand to sue in order to quiet: title and this 'r;ecommenda:tion was <br /> duly approved by the Council. The' Treasurer,Is Office was herewith '-instructed to <br /> 4 prepare the necess,ary papers in consummation of the sale and it was so ordered. <br /> f Charles Palne,'s offer on behalf of a client, to pay $400.00 each for <br /> Lots 3, 4, 5~ 6, and 8, Block 9, Hollenbeck; and Lots 1, 3, 4, and 5, Block 12, <br /> Hollenbeck; Lot 8, Block 5, Hollenbeck, was denied and the fo1J~Q~in~ counter~trers <br /> extended:' Lots 3" 4,. 5, 0" and 8" Block 9, Hollenbeck's Addition, $600.00. each;' , <br /> Lots 1" 3, 4, and 5, Block 12:; Hollenbeck's Addition, $500.00; each; Lot 8" Block 5, <br /> 5f Hollenbeck's Addition,. $660. Upon motion made and seconded, ,the ,recommendation mad <br /> by the Finance Committee was duly approved. <br /> Second attempt of E. Ferguson to obtain the council's acceptance of his' I <br /> $215.00 off.r for property described as ~B~ginning at a point 66 feet North of the <br /> intersection of the North line of lOth Avenue with the west line of Taylor stree~ <br /> and running thence North 66 feet (plus), thence West 95 reet, thence South 66 feet <br /> 6 (plus), thence East 95 feet to the place of beginning," was rejected by the council. <br /> I ~ <br /> , <br /> ~ The commission on the sale of the East 1/2 of Lots 11 and 12, Block 23~ <br /> Gross 'Addition, sold at the meeting of the Common Council on tieptember 12th to <br /> R. W. Leighton,' was ordered payable to the Eugene Realty Board to the credit: of <br /> 7 Dennie J. Koupal, Realtor and it was so ordered. <br /> ( <br /> Offer of' Charles L. Paine, on behalf of a client, to paY'$1400.00 cash <br /> or. $1635,.00 on terms for property known as 2245 Willamette Street was presented. <br /> The Finance Committee agreed to accept the $1635.00 on the following terms: $500.00 <br /> cash, $500.00 with interest in twelve months and balance in 18 months. Upon mot1o <br /> 8 made and seconded, this recommendation was duly approved by the council. <br /> I --".. -- ..... <br /> Mr. Page, Chairman of the Park Comm1:ttee, reported that there had been <br /> serious acts of vandalism in Hendrick's Park and requested the Pollee Department <br /> to make periodical cheeks of the parks to prevent such actions in the future, and <br /> 9( it was so ordered~ <br /> Councilman Bond, Chairman of' the Police Commit.tee, moved that a permit <br /> be--granted to H. B. Brady to erect a neon sign at 969 Franklin Boulevard in ac- <br /> cordance with the approval of the Building lnspector and this recommendation was <br /> duly seconded and carried. This action was taken in view of the lette~ received I <br /> from the Oregon btate Highway vommission wherein they state that they exercise no <br /> 10 Jurisdiction over advertising signs in incorporated towns. - <br /> ( <br /> Request made by Williams' Stores, Inc. to the Police Committee for closi g <br /> of willamette Street from 10th to 11th in order 'to dIsplay the largest man in the <br /> world as an advertising stunt. Committee recommended that a permit be granted <br /> Williams' Stores, Ine. to show this man but that there will be no street closing <br /> and no loud speakers and that the store would have to abide by the usual traffie <br /> 11 regulations. This recommendation of the Committee was unanimously approved. I <br /> ! ,-. ~ - -- , <br /> Mayor., Large reported that he had received a complaint from Mrs. Wendall <br /> Van Loan concerning the excessive speeding on East 19th. Other members of the <br /> council stated that they had received similar complaints. The police department <br /> 12 was instructed to bear down on motorists in that vicinity and it was so ordered. <br /> J Oommunication from the League of Professional Women, Inc. Portland, Oreg n. <br /> criticizing the council for its recent action in barring married women in employ- <br /> 13 ment or public positions, was read and ordered filed. <br /> I <br /> .- <br /> ~ <br />