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<br />~ <br />567 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.....- -:! _u__ ~_"_~. .._ .__~ <br />------- ~-------- <br />.--- ------ ----'-- -- ..,'-- -~ -- -'--'>--- -~ - <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ I West 85 feet of ot 4, Block 30, Gross Addition was given a counter offer of <br />$250.00 for the ast 79t feet of the West 85 feet by the Finance Committee and the <br />1- 10 Council. " <br /> <br />Counc Iman Farrington stated at the corner of lOth and ulive Streets ~ <br />there were four arge maple trees, two on ulive and two on 10th in the parking c.-..J <br />around the Mason c, Temple. He said the lodge wanted these trees removed but <br />the que stion of he City's liability had been put up to the l:!'inance \,;ommi ttee and <br />they did not fee like deciding this question and would like to hear from the <br />council. Attorn y Calkins stated in event any aOcident occurred on account of the <br />removal of these trees, the \,;ity would undoubtedly be held responsible for the <br />1 accident. \,;ounc" Iman ..I!'arr ington said he fel t the vi ty should take out an insurence <br />policy sufficien to protect the ~ity in case of an accident. Councilman Barette <br />said there would be numerous other trees to be removed and if- the City took out <br />insurance .for pI' tection in this case, they. would simply be asking for something. ' <br />He said he felt he parties having the trees removed should furnish the insurance. <br />Councilman ~tewa t said that two of the trees were not safe and if they did not <br />allow them to be removed at this time, the City might have to at.a later date, <br />have them remove and he believed it would be wise to let the trees be removed now <br />and the City tak out the proper insurance. A motion be .l!'ar~ington and seconded <br />brbrownson that the .tingineer be instructed to take out the proper' insurance <br />11 to protect the C ty inthis case was carried. <br /> <br />.Counc'lman Barette reporting for the Street Committee said the only <br />thing he had to eport was the fun they had during the recent flood. He said <br />everyone in Euge e was in:,tlie habit of raking all of their leaves out on the street <br />and that when th's heE!vy rain came the catch basinsrwere all covered up and it was <br />impossible to ge rid of the water immediately. He said they had a man at the <br />telephone at the City barn and people were cE\lling constantly all day until 3:00 <br />P. M. , 'He said t e Street Department did all that was possible working all afternoo <br />12 and he felt that under the conditions, the situation was handled 'very well. <br /> <br />Fire. nd w,ater Committee no r~port, Healt~ .Committee no report, rarks <br />no report and Se oer Committee no report. <br /> <br />Counc lman Bond reporting for the l'olice "'ornm.itteesaid there were <br />1 already fifteen equests in for renewals of liquor permits for 1942. He said he <br />.. wished to nove t at these fifteen requests be allowed and the Recorder be authorize <br />,to issue permit's for renewals to the ones that had licenses for the year 1941 and <br />13 that no addition i licenses be granted.. Motion was carried. <br /> <br />Counc Iman Bond also stated he had a request from the Church of God <br />that they be all ed to erect a sign with an arrow at 6th and Blair pointing to <br />their new locati n at 8th and Monroe Streets. He said he was not sure this <br />could be granted on account of 6th and Blair being the state highway. Mayor Large <br />stated he, did no think the city had this right. Motion was mbde by Bond and <br />seconded by Farr"ngton that the City hecorder be authorized to write the State <br />Hig~way Commissi nand ask permission for this, sign, to be about 4" x 2'. Motion <br />14 was carried. <br /> <br />The m yoI' stated that it was his understanding the State Highway Commis- <br />sion did not app ove of the signs the City had recently erected. inside of the l;ity <br />limits on the hi hway and they would like to substitute signs of their own design <br />in the place of hese. Councilman-Bond said he would welcome such a change. <br />Motion was made y Bond and seconded by Barette that the Recorder write the Highway <br />15 Commission that he City would be willing to have them make this change. <br /> <br />At th s time, Mr. F. P. Baltimore addressed the council in regard to <br />the blinder ligh at 6th and Blair Streets. He said the public paid no attention <br />to the yello'w Ii 'ht nxtiikxam:li:xit:i:ad.:xxi:tx:Dn~:tsxxxDxxacilitxtwhen approcashing from.. <br />1 the .l\Jorth and So th and the traf'i" ic going East and West did not give any regard for <br />the traffic tnat might be wanting to enter 6th Street either from the North or <br />. South and hefel this should be made a two way stop street. He stated as it was <br />now, he thought he blinker amber light was an unnecessary expense and if they did <br />not make it a tw way stop street the amber light should be disposed of. Mayor <br />Large explained 0 h~m tr~t this was the State Highway and he thought this conditio <br />would be remedie as soon as the 7th Street paving was put in. At least a gBeat <br />16 deal' of the traf ic would be taken off 6th Street them. <br /> <br />I. Mayor Large asked for objections to the reclassification of the property <br />at the Southwest corner of 7th and Washington Streets. 'l'here were no Objections. <br />. He also asked 1'0 objections to the reclas:;-;ification of Lot 5, Block 5, \,;heshire's <br />Addi tion. There had been a petition.. present,ed to the Recorder regarding this <br />change of Lot 5, .Dlock 5, (;heshire's Addition, and the petition was read at this <br />time. This peti ion 'contained twenty-seven names which were against the change <br />of the classific tion. Mr. Allen Aficlrewsstated that this bUilding at 2nd and ' <br />Washington Stree s had been constructed in 1916 and was ample for the needs of a <br />grocery store in that location. . His contention was that if another store was put <br />in that locality neitl):er one would make any money 'and both go broke. A. H. Auferot <br />stated that as M . Andrews had said the store was probably built in 1916 and that <br />it had that appe rance and the only thing done to it since that time was one coat <br />of paint. It wa not adequate for a store building under present conditions. He <br />< <br /> <br /> <br />..... <br />