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<br />59~ <br /> <br />, '. <br /> <br />,'::.i <br /> <br />-- =-~ ._~-~--== ~ ~--=-=-~~.~-::--~~~-:-:.~=-- --:-:--=~~~--::;: ~~ -----'-~~ <br /> <br />.- -- <br />- ----_. ._---~-- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene,Oregon <br />February 24, 1942 <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held Tuesday evening, February 24th <br />at 7:30 o'clock. All Councilmen were present with the exception of Farrington. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />2...... <br /> <br />Mr. Roy K. Reed addressed the council regarding the condition of traffic <br />past the Church at 710 West 13th Street. He said that the traffic going West <br />seemed to be very fast, and that there was a small boy almost killed, at that <br />point last Sunday. He stated that he had talked ,With the police concerning this <br />. si tua tion" and Councilman Bond sta ted the Police" Cbmmi ttee would endeavor to <br />remedy the situation. Mr. Reed also asked permission to clean up Madison Street <br />South of 13th on the West side of the church and put a part of it in lawn until <br />such time as the City might wish to use the street. This permj;ssion was granted. <br /> <br />The matter of Mr. Reed buying the Soukup building on the old airport <br />was brought up at this time. 'l'here Was donsiderable discussion as to whether the <br />City should have possession of this building or whether Mr. Soukup should be <br />allowed to sell it to Mr. Reed. This matter was left in the hands of the Judiciary <br />Committee to determine just what should be done regarding the building. <br /> <br />:..11 <br />.' ..J <br />';) <br /> <br />3 , <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />A petition requesting annexation to the City of Eugene was presented <br />by Floyd Huling. The petition was signed by forty-fiive property owners and the <br />4, description of the property as in the peti ti on is as follows: <br /> <br />Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Chambers Street <br />with the center line of 15th Avenue West and running thence due West <br />to the intersection of the center line of 15th Avenue West with the <br />center line of Garfield Street if extended South, thence North along <br />the center line of Garfield Street and along the center line of <br />Garfield Street if extended, to the alley between 5th Avenue West <br />and 6th Avenue West, thence due East along the center line of said <br />Alley to its intersection of the city limits of the City of Eugene <br />thence South following the line of the city limits of the city of <br />Eugene and along the center of Chambers Street to the place of <br />beginning. <br />Mr. Huling and Mr. T. T. Loomis addressed the Council regarding the Sanitary <br />situation in that district and requested the council to hold a special election in <br />an effort to annex that distridt to the City of Eugene, so that proper sewer <br />facilities couilid be provided. Engineer Clubb stated that he thought this matter <br />should be looked into carefully,.. before any action was taken. Councilman Pennington <br />stated that there would be trunk sewers to install if this district was taken in <br />, <br />and that a bond issue would have to be voted. Councilman Hawn asked regarding <br />the population in this district and Mr. Huling stated tbatthere were probably <br />between three and four hundred people, but he said that he did not know what the <br />assesed valuation of the property might be. This matter was referred to the <br />4, Sewer Cownittee and to the City Attorney for consideration. <br /> <br />The Judiciary Committee had no report. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The Finance Con~ittee had no report. <br /> <br />Councilman Barette reporting for the Street Department stated that the <br />bids for grading and gravelling Washington Street from 22nd to 24th was .' <br />conSiderably above the estimated amount and was more than the property owners ln <br />that district felt they could pay. Counciilnan Pennington reporting for the <br />Sewer Department for the improvement of the sewer in this same district stated <br />that the bids for the sewers were also higher than the property owners felt they <br />could pay.' On motion made a nd seconded and carried, the bids ~'or these two <br />improvements were ordered rej ected and the Rec?rder was a.~thorlz~d to return the <br />certified checkstha t had been put up as deposl ts by the l!;ugene uand and Gravel <br />Company and Mr. Harry I. Hamilton. Mr. Barettealso reported that ~~e Street~ <br />Department had looked into the situation for cross streets between ~lxthand Sevent <br />West of Polk Street and that mos,t of these streets were private property and <br />the~e was nothing that the City could do at this time. If the residents i.r: the <br />area wished the cross streets, they would have to arrange some waY,to acqulre the <br />Droperty. Iv;r. Barette also reported that the Street Departmen1i, Slnce the <br />reorganization, was in much better shape and he thought there would be a great <br />5 '! improvement in the next two or- three months. <br /> <br />Councilman stewart reporting for the Fire and 1:;ater Cornrnitt,ee requested <br />that the committee be allowed to purchase two one-hour oxygen gas masks for the <br />Fire Department at a price of approximately $400.00. He said that these were <br />needed as a safety measure and that the Fire Department was not favorabl~ to <br />purchasing only one of these masks as they did .r:ot wish to send one man l.r:alone <br />where these masks might have to be used. He sald tha t they thought the F1I'e <br />Department should have these masks as it might be the means of seving a ,life <br />sometime in a bad fire. A motion was made by Councilman Stewart and seconded <br />by Councilman Hawn that the Fire Committee be authorized to purchase these two <br />gas masks and that the money be taken out of the ,emergency fund. This motion was <br />carried. Councilman Stewart also reported that the Fire Department was in need <br />of two fog nozzles. The larger one to cost $40.00 and the small one $36.00. He <br /> <br />stated these nozzles already were on hand in the Fire Department for trial, ~nd <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />