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<br />-~ <br />631 <br /> <br />. -. -_ - -__ ~~~_ _. _~. __ - - - - - - ____ - __ - ____ ___On _ _~_ __ ._ __ _____ __ ____ _ _____ _ ______ ~___ __.~ ~_____ _ _ _____ _~______~. ~._~ _________ _ __ __~~-_ __~~_.___ ~ __ ~_ ________ _....,.~__ <br />------------ --,----..-- ~----_.._- ---~ -~_._-_.- ------------------ ------ _._-~----------------------_.- ------------~-_.~-_.._--~---_.- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon <br />June 8, 1942 . <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held Monday evening, June 8, 1942 at <br />7:30 P. M. All councilmen present with the exception of Stewart and Brownson. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,....l-."':.. <br />~,.. <br /> <br />.", .,... <br />:........ <br /> <br />......... <br /> <br />The Judiciary Committee had no report. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Chairman Farrington of the Finance Committee reported an offer by Ed Howell <br />for Lot 10, Block 1, Mark Fleming's Addition for $250.00--$50.00 cash and a <br />balance of ~lO.OO or more a month plus 6% interest. Chairman Farrington said <br />it was the Finance Committee's recow~endation that a counter-offer of $330.00 <br />be made. On motion made, seconded, and carried this recon@endation was <br />adopted. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />'llhe bills for the month of May. were presented and on Roll Call all councilmen <br />present, wi th the exception of Brovinson and Stev~art. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />Chairman Baret.te reporting for the Street Department said he had nothing special <br />to report only that J. L. Good and Everett Alford had quit and that he would <br />like to recommend that A. Pearce, and Roy Trout be appointed to fil.l these <br />vacancies. Mayor; Large made the appointment of these two men and recommended <br />that they be placed on the monthly payroll. On. motion by Farrington, seconded <br />by Hawn, this appointment was confirmed b~ the Council. <br /> <br />The Fire and Water Committee had no report. <br /> <br />The Health Committee had no report. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />Chairman Hawn reporting for the Parks Committee said he had nothing only that <br />Mr. Lamb was home from the hospital but not able to go to work. <br /> <br />The Sewer Committee and Police Committee had no report. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />The reports for the Engineer Department, Sewage Disposal, Library, Electrical <br />Inspection, Fire Department, and Police Department were read and ordered placed <br />on file. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />At this time, Mayor Large stated that he had a complaint from Carroll Groshong <br />about the condition of the street in front of his house at 1642 Riverview Street <br />and stated that Mr. Groshong yvas asking that the City make repairs. Engineer <br />Clubb reported that they were expecting to get at this as soon as weather <br />would permit. <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />At this time, George Hall addressed the Council regarding the proposed ware- <br />house to be constructed on his property on the South :3ide of the Southern <br />Pacific teanl track just West of the Pacific Van & Storage warehouse. Mr. Hall <br />explained that there was a 13 foot alley leading North off of Fifth Street to <br />the alley running East and West in the block. This alley runs along the East <br />side of the Lot owned by the City of Eugene. He stated that this 13 foot alley <br />was not wide enough to accomodate the heavy trucks that would wish to use the <br />alley for the new warehouse and asked that the alley be widened ten feet by <br />taking this ten feet off of the East side of the lot owned by the City. Mr. Hall <br />presented a diagram showing the location of the property. 'llhis matter was <br />I'eferred to the Street COll@ittee to report back at the next Council meeting. <br /> <br />A letter from Josephine Quick, 1679 l,incoJn Street \"Jas read. This letter was. <br />in regard to an accident which Mrs. ~uick claimed she sustained by stepping <br />into a hole in the parking at the above address. This hole having been caused, <br />she claimed, by the relLoval of a stop street sign. Mrs. Quick was asking for <br />damages in the sum of $300.00. Also attached to the letter was a statement <br />from Dr. Emerson Abbott of the Eugene Hospital & Clinic. Councilman Koppe, <br />chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said that all three members of the <br />committee had looked at the site at 1679 Lincoln ~;treet and that it was the <br />recoIDnlendation of the Judiciary Committee that the City allow Mrs. Quick the <br />sum of ~p75. 00 in full settlement of her claim. On motion by Bond and seconded <br />by Barette .the recommendat ion of the Judiciary' Commi ttee was adopted. <br /> <br />The Recorder reported that a check had been received from the River Road Water <br />District in the Suni of ~476.06 to apply on the first six months budget at 1942. <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />A request from VerI Thayer for per;mission to construct a garage on his property <br />at 809 West Third Street was read. Also a letter from George Barley, 280 ~onroe <br />Street stating that it was satisfactory with him for !v~r. Thayer to construct <br />the garage any place on the lot that the Building Inspector might direct. Mr. <br />Clubb explained that this was a narrow lot and that Mr. Thayer was reQuesting <br />that he be allowed to construct the garage v.ithin five feet of Monroe Street. <br />A diagram attached to the letter showed that the garage would come within two <br />feet of Monroe Street. Mr. Clubb explained that on account of the closeness to <br />Monroe Street the car at all times would either have to be inside the garage or <br />out i.n Monroe Street, otherwise it w_,uld block the sidewalk. After some dis- <br /> <br />...4 <br />