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<br />r"" 98 <br /> <br />-- ---:..:...-=:=-_"e:.=_::..-: ....::..__~_~~-;::.-~:.:-~._- t.. ":"7--- --- ~~". ~~~;~:...=_~--==--:.::=__-...:----;-____==_~~____ -=--__~-_=_:;:_-=-==-:-:...~~____=_=_=____~~~--:_=.;___=___:...::_=_==_ _ .~:_~-.:.~-=:..==__=_=:i:~-==--:....:.:.-~~2_~=_:~~_. <br /> <br />-~----r- -- - --~--~-~-~------~-- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />__~.d~_ u._ ________ ___ <br />------ -- - -'---- -'--.;-._- - - <br /> <br />-~~,~ I <br />~i <br />~".I", .1 <br />~'".:"' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council C~ambers, Eugene, Oregon <br />May 10, 1943 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting of the Common Counci+, held Monday evening <br />at 7:30 P.M. All Council members were present with the exception of Councilman <br />Pennington. <br /> <br />The Judiciary Committee filed a written report concerning the charges of <br />H. O. Moell tha.t certain articles had disappeared from the City dump after having <br />been stolen from his pIa ceo This mat ter had been referred to the Jud iciary COIl1...mi t~ee <br />and the City Attorney at the previous Council meeting. The Committee's conclusion <br />were as follows: (l) There is no valid proof that the silver was in the garbage <br />heap at the back of the Church (2) Nor that it was hailed to the City Dwnp (3) Nor <br />that it was left there (4) Nor that it was taken by any city employee. Sergeant <br />Bates of the State Police had charged that the City dump was in fact a second- <br />hand store and the Committee further reported that they did not believe that the <br />City dwnp could be organized as a second-hand store. which is required to report <br />all articles received by it. ,The Committee's recommendation was that the Council <br />appoint a committee to make an inspection of the City dump with a view to its <br />confirming or disputing the necessity of licensing the dump and making it conform <br />to the ordinance with regard to second-hand stores. On motion made by Brownson <br />and seconded by Darette, the recommendation of the Judiciary ~Committee was adopte <br />by the Council. <br /> <br />An offer of $125.00 for the North 12.5 feet of the s~uth 20 feet of the west <br />2 100 feet of Lot 8, Block 25, College Hill Park was subfuitted by J. BBsil Burke. <br />This offer was rejected by the Council and a counter offer of $200.00 was made. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />, <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />An offer of $575.00 for Lot 7, Block 33, Gross Additiorr and Lot s 11 and 12, <br />3 Block 1, Mountain View Park, was made by.C. L. Kelly. T~is offer was rejected <br />by the Council and a counter offer of $900.00 made. <br /> <br />W. W. McDougal offered $200.00 for the north 50 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Chesh're <br />4! Second Addition. This offer was acfepted. Mr. Loren Fawver made the same offer <br />on this property, which was filed after the McEougal Qffer and was therefore rejroUrl. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />An offer from Percy D. Bentley for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, in Block 4, <br />Croner's Addition and also the metes and bounds tracts lying adjacent to these on <br />the west was submitted in the amount of $1025.00 Also received was an offer of <br />$1125.:::;0 for the some .Qr.operty, su bmi t ted by F. C. Vial tel's. In view of c ondi tions <br />surrounding these two offers and the fact that there was so little difference <br />between them, it was the recommendation of the Finance Comrnittee that both offers <br />be rejected and that P. D. Bentley and F. C. Walters be requested to file new <br />sealed bids for tjis proferty to be opened at the next Council meeting. On motion <br />this recon~endation was adopted by the Council. <br /> <br />Mr. F. C. Walters had also made an offer of $100.00 for Lot 5, Block 5, <br />6 Croner's Addition. This offer was accepted by the Council. <br /> <br />'I <br /> <br />The Finance Committee reported that the bills had been O.K.'d by all members <br />of the committee, and a motion was made and seconded that these bills be paid. On <br />roll call all Council members voted aye. <br /> <br />The Street Committee had no report. <br /> <br />Mr. Stewart, reporting for the Fire and It:ater Committee, stated that the wind <br />during the day had kept the Fir'e Department busy. <br /> <br />The Health Committee, parks Cow...mittee, and the Sewer Cow...mittee had no report. <br /> <br />Councilman Hawn, reporting for the Police Committee, read a written report <br />from Chief of Poli ce Bergman regarding the parking conditions a t the Bluebird <br />Packing Company, 629 Oak Street, which had been referred from the last Council <br />meeting. The Chief of ~olice explained that the south half of the block was taken <br />7 up by Army cars and that there is a private parking space in front of 643 Oak St. <br />The owner of the Bluebird Packing Company would like to have a thity-minute parkin~ <br />zone and Chief Bergman thought the request justified. Councilman Hawn stated it <br />was the recommendation of the Police Committee that this request be granted. On <br />motion made, seconded, ~hd carried, this recommendation was adopted by the Council. <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />Councilman Hawn stated that Mr. Dow was negotiating for the purchase of the <br />Newman Grotto at 764 Willamette Street; that the establishment at the present <br />time had only a bottled beer license, and that Mr. Dow would like to have an <br />expression from the Council if' they would be favorable to granting a draft beer <br />license at this place. Mr. Hawn stated that this was one of the better places <br />in town dispensing beer and that he w0uld favor giving a license for draft beer <br />at this place. After some little discussion Councilman Hawn moved that the Council <br />go on record as not opposed to granting a draft beer license at this place. This <br />motion was seconded by Davis and carried. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />, <br />\ <br />.\ <br />~' <br />