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<br /> r528 <br /> - _.-- ...- - -- ---~-- - - ~----~--- - --- -.-. - --~.. -~ ------ + ---- -- --------- --- ---~---- --'- .......-. --- ...-- ..._-- -~ --.--_. -- -_.--- -~--.. - -~---- ----------,.---- ----- - ----- -- --_._--~ . <br /> - - ~ - - ~ ~. - -- .. ---.. -- _._~_. ~---- -;.., -- - -. ---_.~~_~ ---..- ___.+-~ ~ ._________ ___.____ _~_"'___.__ __T'_____ _ __ . <br /> -"------- --------- ._-~_._------- <br /> '--~lr' ~.---~-~- -~-~' ~ - ~ -~ ---~~ -~c~-_-c~~~ ~~;~=u~~ '~- -~c- =-;~:~c:~u~~:b~;;~Uge~~~-~ O~~:~:-c-~'=~-~~~~-c-~ <br /> I October 14, 1946 < <br /> 5;" ,I The regular" mee_Ung ,of th,. Common Council ,of Eugene, held, October H, I <br /> '~ j 1946 at 7: 30 P ..}If., The_ me,etingwas called to order by his Honor, May.or Earl - <br /> 0:1 McNutt. Counc iImen pr.esent a t rollcall were: Koppe, Hawn, Davis, Crumbaker, <br /> I Bailey, Johns,o.n .and. All,en. Hur.ley. r,es,igne,d,... <br /> ! . <br /> Upon motion the minutes of the last regular meeting, held August 12, <br /> 1946.were considered".r,ead,..anda,pproved. <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, <br /> A report, of the, Finance Committee r,ecommending. various amendments to <br /> 1 Co,uncil Bill No. 132 (Pinball Ordinance) and :r;ec,ommending the transfer of <br /> $500.00 from Emergency Fund-Miscellaneous to Capital Outlay - Municipal Airport <br /> , BUdge,t,., was.. submitted and; read.. <br /> I "Your Committee on.,Financ.e. to whom was referred various matters begs <br /> to report as follows: ,That we have considered Counc il Bill No. 132 and we recom- <br /> mend. its pas.sage w.ith" the. following", ame,ndments,: <br /> 1. That t.he ,l,icens,e. fee. per machine as. set for,th in, Section 4 be <br /> fixed a,t the rate of, $1.00 per month and/or $8.00 per machine for the balance of <br /> the current fiscal year. The fee after June 30, 1947 to be established by reso- <br /> luti,on, of the Common Council,., <br /> 2. That the words "or remote juke box selector and selecting device" <br /> be elimina t ed in paragr.aph"B, Se cti on, I. <br /> I 3. That effective date be changed from October 1, 1946 to November 1, <br /> I 194,6,. ' <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I We further recommend prior to the exp,iration of the. license period <br /> I ending June 30,,_ 19.47 the operator,s. of licensed devices be., requir,ed to file with <br /> I <br /> 1 the office of the City, Manage,r., .su,ch. repor,ts or. que.sti,onnaires pertaining to I <br /> 1 <br /> I gross income of the licensed machines as may be requested by the Finance Committe, <br /> I as the basis for, fixing the l,icens,e, rat,e, comme,ncing July 1" 194,7. <br /> ,I <br /> i <br /> I <br /> : We further r,ecomm.end, that the sum. ,of. $500.00 be transferred, from the <br /> ! classification of "Emergency Fund-Miscellaneous" to classification of "Capital <br /> Outlay" - Municipal Airport budget for the purpose of completing ground improve- <br /> .me,nts at, the Eug,ene, Airpark. t1 <br /> It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Hawn that the report of the committee be \" '.tk:.; ~... . ~ <br /> received and placed on file and that the recommendations contained therein be \J' <br /> ado p.t,ed. Moti,on carried,. <br /> A repor,t. of th,e, Sewers, Commi.t,te,e, was, submi,t.ted. and, read, a.s, follows: <br /> I <br /> ! "Your" Com.mi.t,tee., ,on,. Sewers to whom was referr,ed. various, ma tters begs to <br /> 2 i report as follows:. Tha.t we, have studied,,st. of the. Oregon Settlement <br /> As so c.iati.on. for per.mis,s,iOu, too connec.t- w.i th the City Sewer System with a 15" <br /> trunk line, that will., s,er.v.e the" Sunny, ,Hollow area that will be installed at the <br /> sole expense of the, de.v;elo,pers.. We recommend that, the, proper, ci ty officers be <br /> , author.iz,ed, to enter into an agreement, for. such conne,ction, su,chagre,ement to <br /> I provide for a deed encumbrance on the sewer user to guarantee an annual payment <br /> I <br /> of $9.00 per year for service together with other provisions as recommended by . <br /> .the City Manager. <br /> With. re.ference to the r,equest of, Mr., Leon, Ros.s to, operate a sewer <br /> cleaning devic e in th,e City of Eugene, the Committee, finds that such operation <br /> has, ,been. favor,ably ruled on by courts of various jurisd:ic,tion and has been <br /> licensed, by other. cLti,es,. We therefore recommend tha.t the, Cit.y Attorney be <br /> instructed to pr.eparean ordinance licensing sewer cleaners and prOViding for <br /> the payment of an annual license fee of $25.00. We further recommend the <br /> passage of this ordinande." <br /> I It was moved by Koppe, seconded by Crumbaker that the report of the committee be <br /> received and placed on file and that the recommendations contained therein be I <br /> approved. <br /> i <br /> ., <br /> , , <br /> I <br /> ! <br /> ~ <br />