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<br />~ <br /> <br />. Ms., Franklin:~suggeste'd', the_ i~s~e' be ./Eel'erred' tothe'R~annini' CommiE?sion <br />and the Transportation Planning Committee, and asked review of the _ ' <br />contract with the State for pO?,pible renegotiation of possible alterna'-< <br />ti ves. Others felt closl1,re of~t;he 'ramps': would isolai:,~j;he neighbor.hood <br />adjacent to the ext'ension;'traffic, would have to cross the railroad <br />traeks to reach the River Road area and would be more hazardous than use <br />of the ramps; more through streets would be created; traffic delays; <br />businesses.~_in the neighborhood would suffer financially; transfer of <br />traffic from Whiteaker neighborhood through other neighborhoods; con~ <br />gestion caused by transfer of 1st Avenue traffic to 6th,7th, and <br />Blair Boulevard to River Road; no consideration of ' impact on public <br />transportation; an, updated ESATS plan would be essential to any <br />decision with respect to overall transportation planning for the area <br />bus service to the Whiteaker neighborhoodw_ould~: p~ ,c'lir!;ailed;' pro- <br />jections on which ramp Q,losl1re based may not be vali,d; further detailed <br />study needed with input from the community itself; uncertainty of <br />whether the Roosevelt Freeway'will actually be constructed; adverse <br />effect on Skinners Butte Park because of added,traffic moving,in that <br />direction; effect on dOwntown area. <br /> <br />Mr. Warner suggested installation of an automatic gate to bar traffic <br />from entering the freeway from the ramps during traffic hours. <br />Mr. Livingston suggested retention of the ramps with barriers to <br />prevent their use while future of the area is 'being decided and <br />negotiations are carried forward for their permanent use. Mr. Herbert <br />suggested temporary use of the ramps with temporary traffic controls <br />and delay of opening the extension until Federal approval of altern a- <br />tives is received. <br /> <br />Those opposed to closure of the ramps generally favored Alternative 2 H <br />proposed in the Highway Department report for handling of traffic <br />onto the'freeway from 1st Avenue . And some felt the closure a gimmick <br />to ensure construction ',of Highway 126 in this area. <br /> <br />Public 'hearing was' clo'sed and Mr. Royer responded to questions raised. <br />He said there is no question about having to obtain approval from the <br />Secretary of Transportation on any change in design. And the State's <br />legal counsel had' advised that under the City's recent Charter , <br />amendrn,ent voter approval would be required if any' new agreement is <br />needed. Environmental impact ,statement is needed if ther-e is substantial <br />change in impa~t on adjac~nt neighborhoods. He added that the ESATS <br />plan, devel6ped locally and implemented as'money becomes available, is <br />the only basis for State highway work although not yet adopted by the <br />City Council. It has been pointed out a number of times,that update <br />of t;l1'a:t'::-f5f$3:n.should~ be accomplished to in'clude consideration of other <br />valuei irt the planning process.' Mr. Royer asked that the hazardous <br />condition not be underestimated if use of the ramps is continued. They <br />were not designed for merging traffic into tpe freeway. He explained <br />in response to claim that sight distance illustration in the Highway: ,-',_, <br />report was distorted, the method of, calculation'and the safety standards <br />for measur~~g.:> sight distanc e in proj ect., designs . ' <br /> <br />Manager referred'to testimony which appeared to indicate that Highway 126 <br />alignment as shown' in' the report Was 'the final alignment'. It is <br />recognized that the alignment as shown is'questionable and considerable <br />more study will be necessary before the 'final alignment is determined, <br />therefore a'ssumption that Highway 126, will be in this loca'tion ifi t is <br />constructed is perhaps faulty. <br /> <br />Councilman Murray wondered' why the' proposed Roosevelt Freeway and the <br />ESATS plan were used to jUstify removal of the ramps. He thought tl:18 <br />cost of widening the ramps to better accommodate mergingtE'affic might <br />be considered in a different light, when looking a~t ,th~ cost of'the <br />overall project, construction-:.of Roosevelt Freeway, or for improvements <br />to 6th, 7th, and Blair'if 'the ramps closed. Mr. Royer::answered that <br />ESATS is' the onlY' trah'sportat,i:on' plan wh~ch has been developed' and <br />before it is rejected, other alternatives should be studied'indepth. <br />There has been no direction from the City on changes desired or alterna- <br />tives. Public Works Director added that City/State had previously <br />proposed widening 6th and 7th with the idea that it sh~oi.iTd be completed <br />prior to the extension of 1-105. ,However, because of uncertainties in <br />connection with the downtown renewal project the 6th and 7th improvements <br />were held up. He said'aB estimate of present-day cost of those improve- <br />ments could be calculated for Council information. <br />~. . <br /> <br />, 2.. 'l. <br /> <br />4/30/73 - 2 <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />'~--:'I <br /> <br />.' <br />