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<br /> . <br /> one kind of material to another, or change the rate of production, <br /> which might create greater emissions than their license allows . <br /> under the current schedule, might have to adopt an offset policy <br /> or acquire rights to emission. This could be done by paving <br /> grounds to reduce dust or perhaps acquiring a smaller operation <br /> and shutting it down to acquire those rights to emission. With a <br /> growth-increment program, the total emissions in the area would <br /> be reduced to a level that more new facilities would be allowed <br /> without a reduction of their own rights to emission. It woul d <br /> allow a more flexible planning tool. However, adoption of a growth- <br /> increment plan would raise a new set of issues as to who plans <br /> and manages the pollution-carrying capacity of the airshed. He <br /> said by targeting and reducing the pollution amounts in the airshed, <br /> growth of industry would be allowed. <br /> Vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. <br /> C. Tri-Agency Dog Authority--Mr. Bradley said the Executive Director <br /> had submitted his resignation. The Policy Board will meet Friday, <br /> August 4, at 12 noon in the Council Chambers to discuss the Tri- <br /> Agency and consideration of an interim director. <br /> D. Scobert Litigation--Mr. Obie noted receipt of a letter regarding <br /> litigation on the Scobert property and requested staff respond to <br /> Council . Assi stant Manager sai d staff was currently checking on a <br /> statement regarding financing, noting that Ed Smith, Parks Director, <br /> indicated financing of the project was still the same. Assistant <br /> Manager will verify that. He also expressed some concern that an e <br /> attorney in litigation with the City was circumventing the City <br /> Attorney's office to correspond with Council. He noted staff <br /> would respond and keep Council updated. <br /> E. Civic Center Project--Assistant Manager noted Council's receipt of <br /> the City Attorney's opinion regarding the latest ballot title request <br /> for rescinding the City's authority to issue bonds for the Civic <br /> Center Project. <br /> F. Cable TV Commission Appointments--Memo distributed. <br /> Assistant Manager reviewed the memo requesting that Carol Baker, <br /> who is replacing Alice Rutter, be appointed to the Commission. <br /> Mr. Obie moved, seconded by Mr. Delay, to appoint Carol Baker <br /> to the TV Commission. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> G. Field Burning--Terry Smith, Public Works Department, technology coordi- <br /> nator for field burning, gave an update on the status of field burning. <br /> He said on July 11 a 30-minute field-burning violation of the 13-hour <br /> nephelometer standard was recorded. The data from the high-volume <br /> particulate samplers and the fine-particulate samplers had been <br /> analyzed and providea additional information about slash intrusion <br /> which followed. He reported that on July 10 before the field burning <br /> intrusion, the readings at the Eugene site showed 42 micrograms per <br /> -. <br /> 8/2/78--2 <br /> 51f1 <br /> l - <br />