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<br />Ms. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, that the bill be approved <br />and given final passage. All councilors present voting aye, <br />the bill was declared passed and numbered 18639. <br /> <br />Emergency Medical Services Subcommittee--Mayor Keller stated that <br />Mr. bie and Mr. Delay have volunteered to serve on this committee. <br /> <br />e- <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />Mr. Obie stated in regard to Attachment B.1. which was distributed <br />to the council, that the councilors' time is a resource and he thinks <br />two members would be adequate rather than the three proposed in <br />the attachment. This would mean there would be two members from <br />the City Council of Eugene, two City Councilors from the City of <br />Springfield, one Lane County Commissioner, two city managers, one <br />County administrator, and one representative of the medical com- <br />munity. Mr. Henry noted that Shirley Swenson, Bill McGuire, and <br />he have been working on this matter. The initial role of the sub- <br />committee would be to determine how to approach this issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Delay agreed with Mr. Obie that it would be constructive to have <br />City Council members added to the task force. He added there is no <br />need to create both a subcommittee and a task force. In other juris- <br />dictions, however, it would be up to those jurisdictions how many <br />people they would like to have on this task force. He would like to <br />continue on the task force and would like to broaden the scope of this <br />task force's study. <br /> <br />Ms. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, to add Councilor Obie <br />to the Emergency Medical Services Task Force, joining Councilor <br />Delay. Roll call vote; motion carried unanimously. ~ <br /> <br />Mr. Henry stated he would invite Springfield, Lane County, and the <br />medical community to add members if they wish. <br /> <br />E. Citizen Involvement Committee--Mr. Henry stated that on June 9, at <br />7 p.m., Darcy Marentette would be interviewed for the Citizen <br />Involvement Committee. <br /> <br />F. Budget Committee Meeting--Mr. Henry stated there would be a IS-minute <br />Budget Committee meeting at 7:15 p.m. on June 9, with approval of <br />the councilors. Consensus was to schedule this meeting. <br /> <br />G. Meetin~s--Lane Economic Improvement Committee is meeting tonight, <br />accordlng to Mr. Henry, in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the <br />Lane County Public Service Building. They will be acting on pri- <br />orities for EDA funding for the conference center, and the hope is <br />that they will include the conference center. <br /> <br />The Eugene Economic Development Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, <br />June 10, in the McNutt Room. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />6/4/80--2 <br />