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<br />~47'6 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-=-=-__ =---=::.._ -- _-='-~.:;c=-:-_ ~_.=-;;~_--::-_~::--_~.'=:-- -:-~__-;,,""':"~~':.:::"":::;;>_-'--' ---:- ':-::-. .:-=;.-_-_~-=,..::;_'=____ __ --~- . -~--:-~~_""':":_..;.;...__::_:__...:;_:_J;.-~~ - ----=--~:.-::....:; -- --~~- -------.---:-::;-~-:.----:- -:-=-:: --~.---:;..~ .~_. -":'~-'::-.- - -- - .--:: -- '.~" -~ ~ ~ ~-" .-..~.-- --,-- ;;;-...--::::::----:""-- - <br />-"-=r-=-"~-~~~~~~-~' '-" ~ ,~,' ~~" .- ' , . "~~~'~~~' <br /> <br /> <br />"I' r Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon <br />July 8, 1946 <br /> <br />~' 1 <br />~' . The regular meeting of the Common Council of Eugene, held July 8, 1946 <br />~ at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by his Honor, Mayor Earl McNutt, <br />. Councilmen present at rollcall were - Koppe, Hawn - 8:50 P.M., Davis, Crumbaker, <br />Bailey, Hurley, Johnson, Allen. <br /> <br />I Unon motion the minutes of the last regular meeting held June 10, 1946 <br />, were considered read and approved. <br />, <br /> <br />REPORTS OF COMMITTEES <br /> <br />The Finance Committee submitted the following report on offers to- <br />purchase City property. <br /> <br />Paul W. Campbell offers $510.00 for a strip of land 56' x 312' approximately <br />1 North of 24th Avenue if extended East from Alder. Beginning 125 feet East of <br />Alder Street. 20% down and balance at $70 each 6 months plus interest. <br />Original Appraisal: $510.00 <br />Committee Recommendation: Sell for $510.00 cash. <br /> <br />Mr. and Mrs. Peters off~r $100.00 for the North"6.4 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Rugh's <br />2 Addition. Wants deed and. title insurance. (This is a strip 6.4 feet wide ad- <br />joining their property.) <br />No appraisal: <br />Committee Recol1JIllenda~ion: Accept offer. <br /> <br />Edward Westerland of 1206 West 7th would like first chance to purchase the lot <br />3 approximately 40' x 160' in Tyler Street, if extended South from 7th Avenue. <br />This would join his property on the East. <br />No appraisal: <br />Committee recommendation: Withhold from sale. <br /> <br />It was moved by Crumbaker, seconded by Davis that the report be received and place <br />on file and the recommendations of the Committee be approve~. Motion carried. - <br /> <br />A report of the Finance Committee rela tive to proposed sale of City 1 <br />property and other matters was submitted and read as follows: <br /> <br />"Your Committee on Finance to whom was referred various matters, begs to <br />4 report .as follows: That in the matter of the proposed sale of appro~imately 25 <br />acres of City owned property at 13th Avenue West and Chambers Street for develop- <br />ment as a medical center, your committee recommends that the proposal be submitted <br />to the office of Howard Buford, Planning Consultant for a report and recommendation <br />on the proposed project in relation to park and airport development in the area. <br /> <br />We further recommend that the Finance Committee be authorized to secure <br />app~aisals and negotiate with the proposed purchasers with instructions to report <br />I back at the next regular meeting of the Common Council. <br />I <br /> <br />: . In the matter of Council Bill No. 86, a proposed ordinance to levey a <br />I license tax on theatrical, public amusements and other exhibitions, this committee <br />I recorunends that Council Bill No. 86 be amended in paragraph (b), Section 4 to <br />I provide for a tax of 3% upon the total of admission charges and that the bill as <br />amended be given third readi.q.g and finpl passage by the Common. CounciL <br /> <br />In the matter of licensing pin bal~ m~chines, an investigation by the <br />Committee discloses that 25 towns and cities in the State of Oregon impose a <br />license fee upon the operation of such devices and that such a license should be <br />effected within the City of Eugene for regulatory and revenue purp9se~. We, <br />therefore, recommend that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance <br />which will provide a license fee of $20.00 per month per Inachine operating within <br />the City." <br />I <br />I .., ,. ~. . <br />, Dean Orlando Hollis, representing the University of Oregon, appeared in <br />opposition to Council Bill No. 86 as it might affect activities of the University, <br />declaring it to be an unwarranted tax on a State institution, exacting tribute <br />from students attending the school. _ <br /> <br />I It was moved by Crwnbak~r, seconded. by Davis tha~ ~he report of the Committee be I' <br />I received and placed on file and the recommendations contain~d th~r~in be approved. _ <br /> <br />I Mayor Earl McNut~ submitt~d a let~er.of resignation~ signed by the <br />5 I following members of the Clty Plannlllg Commlsslon: <br /> <br />i M. H. Kendall James A~ Rodman Thomas I. Chapman <br />; Basil T. Williams Julio Silva R. W. Leighton <br />, R. P. Dixon <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ ~. <br />...., <br />