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<br /> . 'la-lit (I <br /> . I <br /> M I NUT E S <br /> e EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br /> October 29, 1979 <br /> Ad,iourned meet inq from October 24, 1979, of the City Counci 1 of the City of <br /> Euqene, Oreqon, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Gus Keller at 7:30 p.m. <br /> in the Council Chambers on October 29, 1979, with the followinq Councilors <br /> present: Jack Delay, Betty Smith, D. W. Hamel, Scott L ieuallen, Eric Haws, <br /> Brian Obie, Gretchen Miller, and Emily Schue. <br /> I. INTRODUCTION OF E~WIN NIERMANN <br /> Manaqer introduced Dr. Erwin Niermann of Minden, Germany, who is visitinq <br /> the United States on a foreiqn exchanqe proqram of city manaqers between <br /> Minden and Euqene. Dr. Niermann will be makinq a presentation at the <br /> Wednesday, October 31, Council meetinq. <br /> II. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A. Request for Historic Landmark Desiqnation for the First Conqreqational <br /> Church, located at 492 East 13th Avenue <br /> - (H 79-1) (Map distributed) Time: 5/5 Min. <br /> Recommended aoorova 1 by Hi stori c Revi ew Board September 27, 1979 <br /> Judy Rees, Hou s inq and Commun ity Conservati on Department, said that <br /> staff recommends desiqnation of the site as an historic landmark <br /> based on its representative character of a period and style of <br /> arch itecture; its ext raordi nary and unusual arch itectural merit by <br /> reason of its desiqn, detail, materials, and craftsmanship; its <br /> identification as the work of an architect whose individual efforts <br /> have influenced develooment in the nation, state, and community; its <br /> identification with a person who has contributed sianificantly to the <br /> cityls history: and its identification as a unique object represent~ <br /> inq an aesthetic and educational feature of the community. Ms. Rees <br /> further pointed out that the recommendation includes a proposed list <br /> of uses which eliminates any C-2 uses, presently allowed, which are <br /> not compatible with the buildinq, such as qas stations. <br /> No ex parte contacts or conflicts of interest were declared <br /> by Council ors. <br /> Staff notes and minutes were entered into the record. <br /> Public hearinq was ooened. <br /> Mr. Glenn Mason, 1980 West 24th, representinq the Historic Review <br /> Board, was present to answer any questions. <br /> e <br /> 10/29/79--1 <br /> 5'10 <br />