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· O) Con6eation of Additional Antennas on Existing TransmissiOn'Tower. <br /> (a) P~t;l;aill~. Collocation of an additional, antenna on an existing <br /> transmission tower shall be considered an outright permitted use if <br /> property is zoned OO~ PL, S, C,2, C-3, C-4, I-i, I-2, or I-3 Or ifthe <br /> .transmission tower is in any other zone and the city specifically approved, <br /> as part ora prior land use process authorizing the transmission tower, <br /> collocation of additional antennas. <br /> CO) Site Review. Collocation of an additional antenna on an existing <br /> transmission tower shall be Subject to site review approval if property is <br /> 'zoned AG, R,1, C-1 or PRO and. ap. proval for collocation was not granted <br /> through a Prior land'use process, <br />:'(4) Collocation.of Antennas on Existing Buildings, Light or Utility Poles, and <br /> Water Towers. In addition to collocation on a tr0nsmission tower, an antenna <br /> may'be collocated on existing buildings, light or utility poles, and ~vater towers. <br /> (a) ?_~a~[~. Suc~h collocation on a buildinff, light or utility pole, or <br /> water tower, shall be Considered an outright permitted use provided that <br /> .' the antennas and. ancillary facilities.comply, with the .standards contained· <br /> · in EC 9.5750 .Telecommunications Devices. Sitin~ Reauirement~ and <br /> .... procedures, the color of the antennas blends in with the existing structure <br /> and surroundings, and one of the following is met: <br /> · 1. The property is zoned PL, C-2, C-3; C4, R4, I-1, I-2, or 1-3 and <br /> -'. the antennas do not exceed the height, limitation of the zone; or <br /> 2. The pr.operty is zonedAO, R,1, R-2, R-3, C-l, GO, S, H, or PRO, <br /> and the antennas extend no more ~ 18 feet above, and project no <br /> · more than 2 feet horizontally away fxom the existing structure. <br /> (b) ·Site Review. Such collocation on a building, light or utility pole, or water <br /> tower shall be subjectto site review approval provided ti!at the antennas <br /> and ancillary facilities comply with the.standards contained in EC 9.5750' <br /> TelecommunicatiOns Devices-Siting Rea_trireme_ts and Procedures. the <br /> color of the antennas blend in with the existing structure and surroundings, <br /> and: ' <br /> 1. The property'is zoned AG,-R-1, R-2, R-3, C.1, GO, S, H, or PRO, <br /> and the' antennas extend more than 18 feet above, or project more <br /> than 2 feet horizontally away from the existing structure. <br /> (c) . Conditional Use permit. In all cases other than those listed in' <br /> subparagraphs(a) and Co), such collocation shall require a conditional use <br /> permit. No exceptions to the standards contained in EC ~.5750 <br /> Telecbmmunications Devices-Siting R~uirements and Proce4ures Shall <br /> 'tm permitted except as aUthoriz~ by subsection (9) of this section. In no <br /> event, shall a conditional use permit authorize a tower.or antennas to <br /> exceod the height limitation for a zone as established by Chapter 9 except <br /> as provided for in this section. <br />(5) Construction of Transmission Tower. Construction of a transmission tower, or <br /> a modification of an existing transmission tower to increase its height, shall be <br /> <br /> IV-37 <br /> Eugene City Council Agenda page28 <br /> <br /> <br />