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,' ..... ~ . allowed as follows: <br /> <br /> 1. Such construction or modification Shall be considered an outright <br /> ... permitted use in the C-4, I-1, I-2 and !-3 zone. <br /> 2.. Modification to increase the height of an existing transmission <br /> tower shall be considered an outright permitted use in all other <br /> · zones if the city approved an increase in tower height, as part of a. <br /> prior land use process authorizing the transmission tower. The <br /> increase in height allowed under this paragraph shall to <br /> the specific height authorized in the prior land use process. <br /> (b) Site Review. Such construction shall require site .review approval, in the <br /> - PL; C-2, and C-3 zones. <br /> - (c) ..Conditional Use Permit. Such COnstruction shall require a COnditional use <br /> permit in the R~l, C- l, S and GO zo/les. <br /> (d) Prohibited Zones and Locati0n.~. No new transmission tower shall be <br /> permitted in any zones not included in subparagraphs (a) to (c) above, <br /> including the AG, R-2, R-3, R-4, H, NR, and PRO zones; or in the. <br /> - Willamette Crreenway, on Gillespie Butte above the elevation of 450 feet, <br /> .. on the ridgeline as defined in the South Hills Study or on Sudkins Point. <br /> · (6) .Applicaiion Requirements. <br /> · (a) Collocation of Antenn~: In additionto standard required application <br /> · ' material, an applicant for collocation of antennas shall submit the' <br />i~i~'. -. following information; additional application material is required, as <br /> · . 'specified in paragraph (c) below, for applications' requiring a site review or <br /> conditional use process. .~ <br /> ....... 1. A description of the proposed antennas location, design and height. <br /> 2. Documentation demonstrating. compliance with non-ionizing <br /> · electromagnetic radiation (NiER) emissions standards as ~et forth · <br /> by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) particularly <br /> with respect to any habitable areas within the structure on'which <br /> the antennas are co-locating on or in structures direly across <br /> from or adjacent to the antennas. ' <br /> 3. A statement documenting that placement of the antenna is designed <br /> to allow future collocation of additional antennas if technologically <br /> possible. <br /> 4. Documentation that the ancillary facilities will not produce sound <br /> lev, els in excess of those standards specified in subsection (7)(0 of <br /> this section, or designs showing how the sound is to be effectively <br /> muffled and reduced pursuant to those standards. <br /> 5. PIans showing the connection to utilities/right-of-way cuts <br /> required, ownership of utilities and easements required. <br /> 6. DoCuments demonstrating that necessary easements have been <br /> obtained. <br /> 7. - Plans showing hoTM vehicle access will be provided. <br /> · ! 8. Signature of the Property owner(s) on the application form or. a <br /> <br /> Eugene City Council Agenda page29 IV-38 <br /> <br /> <br />