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<br />sewer, gas, electricity, steam heat cable television, and a fiber optic core line on 10th Avenue. <br />Developers should review utility information to determine availability and capacity for their <br />proposed projects. <br /> <br />Site Context. The two parcels that comprise the site contain approximately 38,400 total <br />square feet. The site contains approximately 320 feet of street frontage on the south <br />boundary (10th Avenue), 160 feet of street frontage on the west boundary (CharneIton Street), <br />and 80 feet of street frontage on the east boundary (Olive Street), The new $36 million, four- <br />story, 90,000 square feet Eugene Public Library faces the property to the south, across 10th <br />Avenue. The Library ath'acts approximately 3,000 visitors per day. The one-quarter block <br />parcel formerly occupied by the Sears building has a 14' alleyway on the north boundary. <br />North of the one-eighth block parcel is privately owned surface parking. There is a 14' <br />alleyway which trends north-south between tax lot 6600 and tax lot 5300, that could <br />potentially be vacated to create a continuous development footprint. The City-owned <br />Atrium building houses City of Eugene offices to the east of the property across Olive Street. <br />Office and retail face the property to the west across Chamelton. <br /> <br />The site is adjacent to the Lane Transit District Downtown Station and Broadway Place <br />mixed-use development. Approximately 10,000 persons per day use the Downtown Station. <br />Broadway Place includes a parking structure with 740 public parking spaces, 170 apartment <br />units, and ground-floor retail. Demand for the Broadway Place apartments is very high. <br /> <br />ZONING <br /> <br />The site is zoned C-3, Major Commercial District, which allows a broad range of uses. The <br />Major Commercial regulations are intended to accommodate office and retail uses, <br />government and educational opportunities, culture and entertainment facilities, multi-family <br />housing, hotels, and services that attract people from the entire metropolitan area. The <br />building height limit is 150 feet. The site is located within the parking exempt zone; <br />therefore, on-site parking is not required. If any land use application is required, fees for that <br />application are waived for projects within downtown. <br /> <br />The site is located within the Transit Oriented Development Overlay Subdistrict (TOO). The <br />TOO is intended to promote the creation and retention of mixed land uses in areas with high <br />potential for enhanced h'ansit and pedestrian activity. The development standards for this <br />district provide for intensification of development and require a minimum density of 2.0 <br />floor to area ratio (FAR). These standards are designed to encourage compact urban growth, <br />opportunities for increased choice of transportation mode, reduced reliance on the <br />automobile, and a safe and pleasant pedestrian environment <br /> <br />--~ <br />..--' -. - . ~ <br />,---- . -~ <br />--------"~ /------- <br />.~~~ <br /> <br />-----.- <br /> <br /> <br />Request for Proposals <br />10th & Charnelton Development Site <br /> <br />6 <br />