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<br />Urban Design <br />The 10th & Charnelton development site is located in the core of downtown Eugene. The <br />design of the project should create an inviting urban experience and strengthen the overall <br />desirability of downtown in the regional marketplace. Preferred projects will include design <br />elements that provide an interesting and inviting pedestrian realm such as the following: <br /> <br />1. Use of high quality materials, particularly on the first floor. <br />2. Provide prominent entries facing public streets. <br />3. Place buildings close to the sidewalk. <br />4. Provide details and ornamentation, such as tall first floor; multiple windows, <br />openings, and entries; awnings and overhangs. <br />5. Respect and compliment the character of adjacent buildings. <br />6. Provide special treatment of structured parking (if proposed), including embedded or <br />underground with no sloping of the parking structure visible from the street. <br />7. Incorporate works of public art. <br /> <br />Active Uses <br />The Vision for downtown Eugene includes a diverse mix of retail, office, entertainment, civic <br />and residential uses that energize and enliven the streets. Preferred projects will include <br />uses such as: <br /> <br />1. Active ground floors, such as retail and active office. <br />2. Dense residential, particularly ownership housing. <br />3. Major employment center for high~quality jobs. <br /> <br />Sustainable Development <br />Eugene seeks to meet its present environmental, economic, and social needs without <br />compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Preferred projects <br />will include the following sustainable development components: <br /> <br />1. Multi~story, efficient use of the development site. <br />2. Energy conservation features such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental <br />Design (LEED) standards and green building features. <br />3. If housing is proposed, inclusion of affordable units. <br /> <br />Timeliness <br />Key public investments have been made in the area immediately adjacent to the 10th & <br />Charnel ton development site. For the Urban Renewal Agency to maximize these major <br />public investments, preferred projects will include: <br /> <br />_/~ <br />-_.,--' .~ ~ <br />-----~ /--- <br />.~ <br />---~--- <br /> <br />----- <br /> <br /> <br />Request for Proposals <br />10th & Cbamelton Development Site <br /> <br />8 <br />