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Admin Order 52-15-01-F
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 52-15-01-F
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4/9/2015 9:42:16 AM
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4/9/2015 9:40:11 AM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 52-15-01-F <br />of the <br />City Manager of the City of Eugene <br />AMENDMENT OF THE AMBULANCE, EMERGENCY AND NON <br />EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES RATES SCHEDULE AND <br />REPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 52-14-01-F. <br />The City Manager of the City of Eugene finds as follows: <br />A. Section 2.020 of the Eugene, Code, 1971, authorizes the City Manager to <br />determine and set fees and charges to be imposed by the City for services, goods, use of <br />municipal property, and licenses and permits. In addition, Section 2.608 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, specifically authorizes the City Manager to set all rates and fees for any ambulance service <br />operated by the City. <br />B. In accordance with the procedures set forth above, on March 11, 2015, I issued <br />Administrative Order No. 52 -15 -01 proposing the amendment of the Ambulance, Emergency <br />and Non - Emergency Medical Services Rates Schedule which had been established by <br />Administrative Order No. 52- 14 -01 -F, by amending the emergency and non - emergency transport <br />rates and the aid call rates. The current and proposed rates were set out in the Notice attached as <br />Exhibit A to Administrative Order No. 52- 15 -01. <br />C. The Notice was provided to the Mayor and City Councilors; made available for <br />inspection by interested persons at the offices of the Fire & EMS administrative offices at 1705 <br />W. 2 nd Avenue, Eugene, Oregon, 97402, during normal business hours; and was made available <br />at the public hearing which was held on April 2, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Classroom <br />3 at the City's Emergency Services Center, 1705 W: 2 nd Avenue, Eugene, Oregon, 97402. In <br />addition, on March 18, 2015, Notice was posted at two locations at City Hall, and published in <br />the Register -Guard Newspaper. <br />D. Notice provided that written comments would be received for a period of 15 days <br />from the date of publication and posting, and that comments could be made personally or in <br />writing at the April 2 public hearing. There were no attendees at the public hearing, nor were <br />any written comments submitted within the time or in the manner provided in the Notice. <br />E. Based on the above findings and the findings in Administrative Order No. 52 -15- <br />01, I find that the fees set forth in Exhibit A attached to this Order are necessary in order to more <br />accurately reflect cost recovery related to the services provided and are based on the City's <br />increased salary, benefit and support costs' for the employees performing the services. In <br />determining the fees, I have taken into consideration the applicable policies, enactments and <br />Administrative Order - Page 1 of 2 <br />
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