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that the owner had been and could reasonably be expected toact in good faith <br />and with due diligence. <br />(6) <br />In any event, no multiple-unit housing granted an exemption by the council <br />may be exempt from ad valorem taxation for more than 10 successive years. <br />The first year of exemption is the assessment year beginning January 1 <br />immediately following the calendar year in which construction, addition or <br />conversion is completed, determined by that stage in the construction process <br />when, pursuant to ORS 307.330 the improvement would have gone on the tax <br />rolls in the absence of the exemption. The exemption may not include the <br />land, nor any improvements located thereon that are not a part of the multiple- <br />unit housing but may include commercial use of a portion of the structure and <br />parking constructed as part of the multiple-unit housing construction, addition <br />or conversion, and isin addition to any other exemption provided by law. <br />However, no property maybe exempt beyond 100 percent of its real market <br />value. <br />(7) <br />Any exemption granted by the council shall terminate immediately, without <br />right of notice or appeal, in the event the county assessor determines that a <br />change of use to other than residential or residential with commercial uses of <br />a portion of the structure,or housing has occurred for the multiple-use <br />housing, orportion thereof, or if a low income housing assistance contract with <br />an agency or subdivision of this state or the United States is breached or <br />terminated prematurely, or a declaration as defined in ORS 100.005(12) is <br />presented to the county assessor or tax collector for approval in connection <br />therewith. Termination shall be in accordance with the provisions of ORS <br />307.627. <br />(8) <br />Notwithstanding subsections (1) through (7) of this section, if applicant, <br />developer or other owner of the projecthas failed to comply with the <br />requirements of ORS 307.600 through 307.637, sections 2.945 through 2.947 <br />of this code or the administrative rules adopted thereunder, or a resolution <br />adopted pursuant subsection (7) of section 2.945 of this code, in lieu of <br />subsections (1) through (7) of this section, the city manager may impose <br />penalties as set forth in section 2.1995 of this code. Each day in which a <br />violation is caused or permitted to exist constitutes a separate violation. <br />Failure to pay an administrative penalty authorized by this subsection shall be <br />grounds for terminating the exemption under subsections (1) through(3) of <br />this section. <br />Section 4. <br />Section 7.731of the Eugene Code, 1971, isaddedto provide as follows: <br />7.731SDC –Credits for Multiple-Unit Housing. <br />(1) <br />A developer of a multiple-family residential project consisting of 5 or more <br />dwelling units may receive a credit of up to fifty percent of the appropriate <br />systems development charges otherwise due under Section 7.720 in <br />connection with the development if all of the following conditions are met: <br />(a)The developer constructs, pays for or contributes to the cost of a capital <br />improvement on the Plan described in subsection (2) of section 7.715of <br />this Code, and the capital improvement would be eligible for SDC <br />funding under the Plan; <br />(b)The improvement is located within the boundaries of the neighborhood <br />association in which the development is being constructed; <br />Ordinance -Page 9of 11 <br /> <br />