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(c)Credit for the construction of or contribution to the improvement is <br />permissible under state law; and <br />(d)The City Council, the developer, and the applicable neighborhood <br />association board of directors each: <br />1.Agree that the improvement will mitigate one or more impacts <br />resulting from the multiple-family residential project in the <br />neighborhood; and <br />2.Approve the grant of SDC credit in exchange for the construction <br />of, or contribution to, the improvement. <br />(2) <br />The credit described in this section may be applied only toward the system <br />development charge attributable to the same system (transportation, <br />wastewater, stormwater, parks) as the improvement which the developer <br />constructs or to the cost of which the developer contributes. <br />Section 5 <br />. Additional areas may become eligible for the MUPTE program upon Council’s <br />adoption of a Resolution approving the area. Council’s determination to add areas to the <br />program shall be based upon reports submitted by a Review Panel. The Review Panel shall <br />meet not less than every 12 months to review the efficacy of the program in reaching the City’s <br />desired goals, and shall be comprised of the members described in subsections (13)(a)1. and <br />(13)(a) 3. of Section 2.945 of the Eugene Code, 1971. Members of theReview Panel must sign <br />a confidentiality agreement in a form approved by the City Manager. <br />Section 6. <br />TheMultiple-Unit Property Tax Exemption Programgoal is to assistin the <br />creation of 1,500 new, multiple-familyhousingunitsafter adoption of this Ordinance, which will, <br />in part, assist in the implementation of Envision Eugene. The Review Panel will review the cap <br />as part of the annual report. At such time thattheMUPTE-assisted numberof dwellingunits <br />constructed reaches the program volume cap, Council shall conduct a comprehensivereviewto <br />determineif continuation ofthe programis in the best interest of the City. <br />/ / / <br />/ / / <br />/ / / <br />/ / / <br />Ordinance -Page 10of 11 <br /> <br />