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Item C - City Space Master Plan
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 01/10/05 WS
Item C - City Space Master Plan
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1/5/2005 1:49:08 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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Upon completion of this three-step master planning and public participation process, the council <br />will be asked to provide direction for the next steps in implementing the downtown City space <br />master plan. At this point, additional design work would need to be completed before construction <br />could begin on all or part of a City government complex. <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The downtown City space master planning and public participation process relates to the council <br />goals of an effective, accountable municipal government, a safe community, and sustainable com- <br />munity growth and change. <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />The expansion or replacement of City Hall to create a City governmental center has been a major <br />project for the council since 2000. The options currently before the council provide a choice on <br />how to implement the final phases of the City's plan for future downtown office and public space. <br />One option incorporates broad community involvement in developing the master plan for a City <br />complex. Implementing a community involvement process at this level will require the council to <br />revisit previously adopted policies for future development of City downtown governmental space, <br />provide City Council direction on a number of policy decisions, and place time demands on the <br />council's work program. City Council direction to proceed with this option will signify the <br />council's commitment to the City's downtown space master planning process as a council work <br />plan priority. <br /> <br />Option 1: Take no action at this time. <br />Option 2: Authorize the expenditure of up to $75,000 to complete the first step of the downtown <br /> City space master planning and public participation process as described in Attachment <br /> D, including a detailed description of the specific policies to be presented for public <br /> involvement, identification of the stakeholder and interest groups related to each policy <br /> decision, the degree of public influence desired for each policy decision and a detailed <br /> public involvement plan. <br />Option 3: Direct staff to return to the council with recommendations, budget and timeline for <br /> implementing the City downtown space master plan as previously adopted by the <br /> council, incorporating community information and consultation as described in <br /> Attachment E. <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Manager recommends Option 2. <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION <br />Move to direct the City Manager to proceed with Step 1 of the downtown City space master <br />planning and public participation process as described in Attachment D, periodically provide <br />progress reports to the council and return for City Council direction on succeeding steps in the <br />master plan and public participation process, and direct the City Manager to request on <br />Supplemental Budget #2 up to $75,000 from the Facility Replacement Reserve to implement Step 1 <br />of this process. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050110\S050110C.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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