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CC Minutes - 06/25/07 City Council Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/25/07 City Council Meeting
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8/17/2007 9:23:17 AM
City Council Minutes
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Robert Olsen <br />, 32810 Sisters Loop, called it a “no brainer” to preserve the Beverly/Green properties. He <br />believed the properties to be unique. He averred that 94 percent of the South Hills was covered with <br />housing with only “a little scrap in the corner” left. He felt that given that people had to fight to preserve it <br />Eugene no longer deserved its reputation for being environmentally friendly. He called the issue regarding <br />park land “disingenuous.” He felt that removing the golf course and the Ridgeline Trail from the roster <br />would demonstrate that South Eugene had very little park land. <br /> <br />Tom Halferty <br />, 4510 Manzanita Street, thought it was a good idea to take another month to consider taking <br />eminent domain of the two South Hills properties. He felt the value of the land had been inflated based on <br />the number of houses that could allegedly be constructed on it. He disagreed with it. He showed a Lidar <br />picture of the land which he asserted indicated the instability of the hillside. He provided the council with <br />the Lidar image and other pictures. <br /> <br />David Thor Johnson <br />, 4986 Hunters Glen Drive, asked the councilors to walk the Beverly/Green properties <br />with him. He thanked the councilors who supported using eminent domain to acquire the properties. He <br />believed it was a courageous stand to take. He opined that houses built on the properties would not last. He <br />also wished to thank City Manager Dennis Taylor for his service. <br /> <br />Alice Pueschner <br />, 1512 Barber Drive, said she was “not quite a NIMBY” but she did hike on the Bevery and <br />Green properties. She commented that she would hate to think of the properties “going to developers.” She <br />believed they were an essential part of the city of Eugene. She acknowledged that some people thought the <br />south hills had too much park land and countered that the south hills was “the loveliest part of Eugene.” She <br />declared that people who did not think they had enough park land in their neighborhoods should agitate for <br />more. She said the neighborhood had worked hard to save the Beverly/Green properties. <br /> <br />Ted Leadguard <br />, 5205 Cold Springs Way, said he had just purchased property in Eugene. He related that <br />he used to live in Virginia, 50 miles from Washington, DC. He said the area had been developed rapidly and <br />described the ensuing detrimental effects mostly due to the contamination of an aquifer by uphill develop- <br />ment. He asked that the council please see the importance of the watershed to Eugene. <br /> <br />th <br />Majeska Seese-Green <br />, Van Buren Street and 5 Avenue, thanked the Mayor and the councilors who <br />“worked to protect the headwaters for the whole city.” She noted her disagreement with an article in the <br />paper written by former Eugene Mayor Jeff Miller that opined that the current mayor was not the “Mayor <br />for all Eugene.” She asserted that there would be plenty of the bond money for parks if the “developers <br />would do the right thing” and not try to gain the highest dollar value from the land. She declared that Mr. <br />Green should be an Eugenean for all Eugene and not an Eugenean for “[his] own pocketbook.” <br /> <br />Rob Handy <br />, 455-½ River Road, said he was delighted to serve on the West Broadway Advisory Commit- <br />tee. He commented that his partner was a first grade teacher, in part because she liked to be able to <br />influence children at an age where they have to start figuring out how to have relationships and discipline in <br />their lives. He thought the City was starting to understand the value of transparent public participation. He <br />expressed concern that staff members were attempting to “take a narrow view of the motion” that directed <br />the formation of the committee. He noted that the council motion directed that the consultant hired would <br />perform a market analysis and economic feasibility studies in order to inform the committee deliberations. <br />He felt the committee was getting “some push back” from staff members regarding the Memorandum of <br />Understanding (MOU). <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 25, 2007 Page 3 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />
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