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CC Minutes - 06/25/07 City Council Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/25/07 City Council Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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Lotte Streisinger <br />, 2075 Harris Street, supported saving the Amazon Headwaters. She said it was not a <br />neighborhood issue for her as she did not live near it. She thanked the people who had worked hard to <br />preserve it. She agreed that once the land was gone, it was gone forever. She reminded those present that <br />Spencer’s Butte was intended to be logged in the 1930s but the City had managed to purchase that area. <br />She felt thankful for this action. She averred that what they were trying to do was to preserve the land for <br />the future. <br /> <br />Lisa Warnes <br />, 5020 Nectar Way, asserted that the analysis of park land in the South Hills area that <br />indicated that the area had 21 percent of the population but 44 percent of the park land was not accurate <br />because most of the parks were “regional facilities.” She opined that removing the “regional parks” from <br />that inventory would indicate that actually the south hills had “hardly any” parks. She also disagreed with <br />the assertion that the City would not be able to afford to maintain more park land. <br /> <br />Susie Cousar <br />, 2919 Crocker Road, supported preservation of the Amazon Headwaters. She related that she <br />was a college teacher with a focus on ecology and human health. She was concerned about what was <br />happening in the world, but she thought Eugene was touted as the sustainable city. She said it was very <br />important that they not be “a status quo USA. anywhere.” She averred that in order to continue to maintain <br />the sustainable community it was important to make the decision to preserve the Beverly/Green properties. <br />She encouraged anyone who did not support doing so to “read up” about human health, ecology, and eco- <br />systems. She added that the City could never have too many parks. She wished to stress that she was from <br />Santa Clara and favored having parks all over the City. She declared that the real issue lay in saving the <br />land. <br /> <br />Donna O’Neil <br />, 3525 High Street, said she walked the Amazon trail often. She commented that it was the <br />one place she could go to hear something “besides crows.” She opined that walking in the woodland was <br />spectacular. She shared her favorite bird call. She related that she had seen three pileated woodpeckers and <br />it had “made” her week. She felt the developers were “stealing” the land from Eugeneans to build large <br />homes on it. She averred that it would be a “tragedy” to let this happen. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy closed the public forum. She said she had been engaged in the formation and initial meeting <br />of the West Broadway Advisory Committee. She hoped they could get everyone engaged in order to get the <br />process going. She invited comments from the councilors. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman thanked everyone who testified. She wished to specifically thank those people who came <br />out in support of the preservation of the Amazon Headwaters. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman commented that she kept hearing that a facilitator would be hired for the West Broadway <br />Advisory Committee. She did not believe that the council motion had directed that a facilitator be hired. <br />She recalled that it had directed the hiring of an urban planner and that the City should secure the services of <br />a qualified consultant to provide the market analysis and financial feasibility studies. She believed that there <br />were two different positions and neither of them was to serve as a facilitator. She did not think this <br />precluded the committee from making a choice of facilitators. She asked if a legal opinion had been <br />obtained in order to counter the idea that the West Broadway Advisory Committee should have a choice <br />about the facilitator. <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor explained that staff discussed the hiring with the City’s purchasing division and the <br />City Attorney and based on oral conversations there was no legal opinion having to do with how service <br />contracts were purchased. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 25, 2007 Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />
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