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<br /> <br />IS a <br /> <br />friendly, progressive <br />COfT1rl)unity \vith citizens vvho <br />are 2.ciive and concerned <br /> <br />about quality <br />of !ife, <br /> <br />-,.r""Y , :t 1..; , > , f' <br />'rH~)'P:he'$clirnate. \l\1ith an ,,",,y,~--<degrees, is one oltue crry's attractive eatures. <br />'~(:)T' .~... ,>/dd. ......... ...;../ f'. d' k t l' .' 1\.1 I <br />Mild winters, long gro\tVlngseasoos, ana lev" vrastIc vVea:tller 61anges are 01aract.enstlc. INorrna <br /> <br />annual rainfall is 43 inches, wltiich fail~h1ostt\iDetw:e~!'J:7r 'June., <br />>/. ......>> ..Yn>.. ...... <br />hi .... is weH i< the home of the L.ltliVersit* f{r0'teiC?n,With I 8J)0@ stooents anDover-a .@0@ <br />~)' ...... "y ...........>>> <br />ernp'lcfyees, tbet...Jniversit)l..plays a rmajor rolelf1trne Q~oi~rn~irm~\4f0i~ along.'0iith cane bornrr1twdtl'co!1eg@.} <br />......... > .,.>.>i"<\> fi, n ;;< <br />!i'lfue employment !:fllile<l1as ", ,01 trade. "'?""';~ss <br /><i~tiant OD the timbet-'io@lQstry.fEugeneli3s. a vet')" \}s(eneQQ~'tea lao<.WIaccewitn nearly 350/6 ofth6aduftt <br />1111< .....................;<. "r(;.....<> <br />fdtJ.f%wlatiQ?rn.. naving%9vmm-leteo fOUfC.W rncwe years(]t 8o~leg~\> ....... .........<>< <br />.............> ..< >0~1'~1 'i. "<, , .........."d.Y<<. ......... .......<"d <br />~teisa TneBQI,,/~ ecornrnunrty vvrth C11;I-zens'vV'hltJ. ar-eacmrv<eiams carncer-rnaDabout ............. <br /><72<<" ........;< , 'i< ............ <br />HfeTSrtit L)f'l~r&1ty !5rit1g? 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'Ait-S8@1, <br />~r.S~rws a$>tltr~(r0IJY <t~~c~bea(f$. rJla~<:lI@i!telect~p.~;]lte(2i;r0i';j~~~ a" U,0,0(( <br />tft;Fn>1, anG I,.t~ tfilrrnal?I'.IIII~eiSUMi(t'.!€umeUlt. rJlaY<:lE is Jim 'TO!;!,?}', <br /> <br />f5llit..a..t\lit()"^tnir~~.~li~i~,r~I~t5Qmcil can .......... ................................. <br /> <br />...,. . .>:....... ....... <br /> <br /> <br />J ilt;g. i.Siative. .2~~~~ ~I ~! 00 <br />!ti'~~~~~~0~~r~~ Ellne ~0wnBH <br />.J €2~unGHis electeo every~tYs{~ }I@.@l10~~>"" <br />nasapt?'riidxirnat'ely 1,5tStJm;gml~rt;rnf?I@}leesanGl <br />&D[9~E)PtI~B. a".rse. Pi,';. G,e.Si - B c0IDfi~t.1rai;10n@f'~0' <br />~B1isk. .m~rvices:) asv\le!l Bsotner <br />tflaAnirl~ l'E)eveltQprnt;nt;4 <br />. '>< <br />9Tm~ aN 0veraH aornuaJ Dwmgerfaf' $338 <br />...... $113rrli1llt1)fj.t~te(Sitynis.in5Qunannamciaf c@naitl@nan@ mas <br />.......... rgti0gnf~~I~itc.n, .i......i . ......>> <br /> <br />.....:..:...>,.: :..........H. ............. <br />.........<.........: :)'. <br />...........:............:....... ...... <br />.............<<<:.. <br /> <br /><un .......... <br />.in. ........:..:.:.....:.......}.. <br /> <br />.. H'. <br /> <br />f%1{ijZ$t'X <br /> <br />01 Kl')megom,an@ tme ......:.. <br />iir'<n <br />>< ....:...i amOIT uwerH has < <br />tMttoQ{jal~ sch<tJols., a <br /> <br /> <br />are <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />......... <br /> <br />fHre .8k~rmerg~~~~ <br />RtultlJfal gervlces, <br />'.nd< <br />zCJ0m~. witnauederalfPlH1dttit <br />rating ft()mtffl00Q7"~S aooan.]; <br />/d) ........< , "d..i <br />..' .... ..............y..... ..........':.:f <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br /> <br />, ~~,~:,:!:)! <br /> <br />. .' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. .. <br /> <br />. . . <br /> <br />.. <br />.. .... <br /> <br /> . . . <br />/ . ". ........ <br /> . .' ". '. <br /> .. .... <br />.....,.............:....,::... '. '.' ........ .... <br />'. .......<............ ". . '.' <br />............:.... . .' '. . <br /> .' '" . .... <br />." ... .... <br /> .. .' <br /> . . <br /> .' .>.r <br /> C:enterfor <br /> Perf0t''fllihg.~ . <br /> <br />:~' <br />:f;~ <br /> <br />.'... ..' <br />'.' ;................. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />.'. :! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.... ' <br /> <br />yen ....... .... '.' <br /> <br />......,.:.......:.:. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />'>(,~:> ... //; > ....... <br /> <br />'.. ...... . ...... '. <br /> <br />. '.' ....... .... :... . <br /> <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />'; <br /> <br />ISS'UES, CHA.LLE~.GES <br />AND DPPDRTU~ITIESr <br /> <br />Gntwtb. nationally-recognized land use" ' ' <br />planning prograrnt adopted by the state legislature in <br />1973 and by a state agency <11'ld appointed <br />corfHl1ission, establishes state policy on land devel- <br />oprnent and conse!",lationl and state requirernents <br />for local government comprehensive Recent <br />grO'vvth and development in Eugene has brought <br />different reactions from citizens including a desire <br />frorn rnan~./ in the corrlrnuniti to litnit and/or slovv' <br />the rate of gro\vth> residents Cherish their <br />high quality of life and living environment, and a <br />grO'vving segment of the cornmunity is concerned <br />at::xJut.the irrpac'is ofdevebpment on the env1ronn~lent, as <br />\A/ell as the cost of developnlent to the comrnunity. <br />The recent Hyundar developnlent included significant <br />tax abaternents and brought to the forefront many <br />of the cornmunity's anxieties and concerns about <br />grovv'th, as \>vell as the role the City should play in <br />encouraging In response to a <br />corrwnunity-v/ide grovvth managernent study, the <br />Council adopted I 9 groVv1h n-lanagement pOlicies in <br />1998, The City Council vvould like to increase <br />resources to rneet the needs of indrviduafs and farnilies, <br />vvTth particufar emphasis on the sust-ained developrnent of <br />affordable and 10'v^v-income housing. <br />and adequacy have also increased. <br /> <br />Ec.onomieJ:1evel<>pment. The City Council has set <br />as a \>vork ftern the de\leloprr1ent of an econornic S'U^atec <br />for the City, Currently, all the revenue fronl exishng <br />tax incrernent districts has been pledged, so the <br />challenge of de\/eloping tarols to implement economic <br />developrnent activities will be occurring O\ler the next <br />several months. Additionally. which segment of the <br />economy and \vhere to target economic deve10pn-lent <br />vv'ill be qiscussed over the next couple <br /> <br />Downtown Visioning.. Discussion about the vision <br />for the tlJture of the dOlvnto'vvn area of Eugene is currently <br />under\f/ay~ and should be completed by the end of <br />2003, \/Vhat \lision the community expects vvith the <br />revitalization of dovv'ntO'v\/n and the construction of <br />the Federal Courthouse is expected to be articulated in <br />the r.ex! severct1 months. Staff', the Planning Comrnission, <br />and the City CouncH are all engaged in the endeavor, <br /> <br />_11. As the cotTlmunit/ nas gro'vvn, so <br />too The City \A/ould like to pronlote <br />conservanon of natural re$()t.lrces and enhancetransper- <br />tat ion for pedestrian access, car -rx::oling, <br />bike routes, mass transit. and inter-city passenger trains, <br /> <br />EnYironme.ntal.Cancem.$. The Eugene cornrnunfty <br />and the City organization have a vv'ell-deserved reputation <br />for environmental protection and conservation. Current <br />environmental iss.ues indude: a controversial com- <br />munityl+Toxics Right-to-Kno'w" prograrn; respond- <br />ing to the Endangered Species Act listing of Upper <br />Vv{illamette spring Chinook salmon; management of <br />Eugene's urban forest; meshing the award-v,/inning <br />West Eugene vletlands conservation plan \fIlth a pro- <br />posed ne\tv' highVVdY; responding to an environmental <br /> <br />