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Item A: Update on City Manager Recruitment
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2007
CC Agenda - 09/12/07 Work Session
Item A: Update on City Manager Recruitment
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City Council
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<br />( <br /> <br />revievv' orthe City's practices and activities; <br />and implernenting the CouncWs resolution <br />on sustainability. <br /> <br />.;1t1zen---P~.D.tiol1.. Eugene is a <br />community of active citizens \vho <br />want to be involved in issues that <br />affect the quality or life of their com- <br />fnUn~'l. The City has rnade a strong <br />effort in recent years to reach out <br />to the cornmunity and gain input One <br />attenlpt knO'vvn as [)eclsions~ <br />asked a broad cross-section of citi- <br />input on specific issues, <br />these efforts the still seeks <br />ne\v v</ays to effectively and meaningfully <br />involve citizens hDrn all spectrums or the <br />comrnunity <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The new <br /> <br />t'1anager <br /> <br />Fioondng..fQr~l...lmpr~ts. Much of <br />the infrastructure in Eugene is aging and \vHl need to be <br />replaced or repaired in coming years. HO'\/v the City' goes about paying ror these inlprovenlents vvill <br />present difficult issues that need attention and resolution. One issue currently being analyzed is the status <br />or City offices, vvhich at"e currently located in half a dozen locations in the dovvntOyvn area. Financlng <br />irnprovements to the City's aging infrastructure viill also be a challenge in the coming years, A local gas tax <br />and transportation utiHty fee are being discussed to fund maintenance and preservation or roads and bike paths, <br /> <br />Lo'-al.G~ell.t..Fil1~. Oregon voters passed tv\/O propert~./ tax lirnitation measures. f'1easures 5 and <br />50, during the 1990fs. The ongoing 50, beyond an initial I 09it reduction to the General <br />Fund in j 998. is that the gro\Jvt.h in General Fund revenues has slovved and is not keeping up \Jv'ith the increase <br />in The City rnade a $ I .5 rrlillion reduction in the General Fund in F'(02. .An additional <br />$1.5 rniHion reduction in Pf03 is needed in order to ensure a balanced next three years under <br />!.-le constraints of the propert:l tax lirr1ltatJons. Another effect of the nleasure is that local goven-!ments no <br />,l,)nger have the ability to add on-going services vvith an on-going increase in the property tax base> ,As <br />a result, added services nlust nOVi be funded v\/ith levies that can run for no rnore than <br />five years, The measure also imposed a doubte-rnajority requirerrlent on properr"./ tax <br />ITleaSures. The combined effect of these ne\<\/ has rnade it n~luch nlore <br />difficult to fllanage the provision of general City services over the past fevl years. <br /> <br />M.e~erQ.tiQn....and Intergar:.erlJ11JJ:11tfJLBelotiol1l. The City is in the <br />process of exploring vvays of consolfdating and inlproving efficiencies in their reia- <br />tionships with the City of Springfield and Lane County, as well as school districts and <br />the University of Oregon, This includes strearnlining the criminal justice systerrl. !t <br />vvil! also be critical to seek regional solutions to issues that financially irnpact <br />individual foca! governrnent entities disproportionately. <br /> <br />vvil! be an articulate, perceptive, <br /> <br />open-rninded and corn posed prOfeSSlc)flal <br /> <br />vvho seeks neVi inforrflation <br /> <br />Policing. Community growth and a commitment to Community Policing has <br />created an increase ir't sen/ice dernands vvhile police levels have not changed <br />significantly since 198 I . Facility and technological upgrades have occurred in the 91 ! Center; <br />ho\;vever~ tVv'o bond levies to build new police headquarters were defeated by voters, <br />Vvork continues on a regional level to replace an aged crirninal data systen-'!. is <br />a df>ierse city requ~ring a high level or po!icing expertise and a commitrnent to value ideological and <br />persona! differences \vith an open rnind. <br /> <br />fMSJ.ulld. The Emergency Medical Serv'ices Fund (EM S) is dranlatically decreasing <br />revenues over the next six fiscal years. This is due to a variety of external forces requiring rapid <br />change and in preparation ror the inlplementation of cost containtnent <br />measures undertaken by the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (eMS). These <br />reimbursement reductions are currently projected to be in the 28-329S in <br />the Pacific North'y'\/est. <br /> <br />flm.J!eS/ The Santa Clara Rural Fire Protection District has provided contract fire <br />protection and EMS first response to city annexed property \Alithin the northern portion of <br />Eugene's Urban Grovvth Boundary: The Eugene Fire & EMS Department is recommending <br />that the City begin directly providing fire and EMS services to an Eugene properties 'Within <br />the Urban Grovv'th Boundar)" beginning in FY03, The Department has developed a plan <br />to reassign an fire company into the Santa Clara neighborhood on an <br /> <br />and ideas. <br />
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