The City of Eugene & Community
<br />able products and use sustainable practices and has recently established
<br />an Office of Sustainability and a new Sustainability Commission.
<br />The Mayor and City Council of the City of Eugene seek an experienced,
<br />Although the timber industry is still the largest industry in the Eugene
<br />innovative City Manager to help them lead this community of nearly
<br />area, where a number of manufacturing concerns produce primary,
<br />150,000 friendly, active people. Tucked in the Willamette River Valley,
<br />secondary and value-added wood products, aggressive efforts to diversify
<br />just an hour from the coast and an hour from the Cascade Mountains,
<br />the local economy have resulted in several expansions in high tech
<br />the community covers about 40.3 square miles, with the Willamette
<br />manufacturing and software development, RV manufacturing, health
<br />River running through the heart of the City. The largest city in Lane
<br />care, life technology, recreation and environmental technology-related
<br />County, Eugene is home to the University of Oregon, Lane Community
<br />fields. The largest county employers are: PeaceHealth Oregon, University
<br />College and many other fine public and private Colleges/Universities
<br />of Oregon, Monaco Coach Corp., Country Coach, Hynix Semi-conductor
<br />and schools. Eugene residents have a high level of education, and the
<br />of America, Symantec, U.S. Government, Lane County, Eugene School
<br />community is known for its devotion to education, politics, community
<br />District 4J, City of Eugene, Springfield School District, Lane Community
<br />involvement, and sustainability.
<br />College, and the McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.
<br />The City of Eugene's environmental, cultural and recreational riches
<br />Eugene is blessed with mild winters, a long growing season, and few
<br />have won numerous honors. Long recognized as one of the nation's
<br />drastic weather changes. Highs in July average 81 degrees and the average
<br />most nature friendly and livable cities, Eugene was named "America's
<br />high in January is 46 with a low of 33 degrees. Residents enjoy the
<br />#1 Green City" in 2006 by the Green Guide. The City has also been
<br />beauty and available activities of the City year-round.
<br />recognized as a very accessible city for its commitment to assure that
<br />everyone can utilize public areas.
<br />City of Eugene Government
<br />Eugene's citizens love their outdoor and cultural activities. It is this
<br />The county seat of Lane County and currently the third largest
<br />special blend that constitutes much of the character of this community.
<br />city in the State of Oregon, the City of Eugene was founded in
<br />Hailed as the "World's Greatest City of the Arts & Outdoors," cultural
<br />1846 and incorporated in 1862. In accordance with the City Charter,
<br />and outdoor opportunities abound. Sports events, international track
<br />the City is served by eight Councilors who are elected by wards
<br />and field events, marathons, The Bach Festival, theatres, galleries, and
<br />for four year terms, one-half each two years. Each Councilor holds
<br />museums fill our year. We are the home of the world-class Hult Center
<br />office until his or her successor is elected and qualified. The Mayor
<br />for the Performing Arts, eight resident performance companies and
<br />is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis and also serves for a
<br />the Cuthbert Amphitheatre. To get a taste of our community's humor,
<br />four year term.
<br />one only has to attend the yearly Eugene Celebration and parade.
<br />The City Manager serves as the administrative head of the City
<br />Eugene's, nationally acclaimed bicycle system has 33 miles of off-street
<br />and is appointed by the City Council. He/She is responsible for
<br />bike and pedestrian paths, with connections to the riverbank, downtown,
<br />the overall management of the City. In accordance with the City
<br />the University of Oregon campus and neighboring City of Springfield.
<br />Charter, the City Manager appoints and directs all City staff and
<br />The European-style, wood-chip, Steve Prefontaine running trail (10
<br />Departments with the exception of the Municipal Court Judge,
<br />km) also winds through Alton Baker Park. In 2008, Eugene again is
<br />and the newly created office of Police Auditor. These report directly
<br />showcasing its reputation as "Track Town USA" by hosting the 2008
<br />to the Mayor and City Council but coordinate with the City Manager
<br />Olympic Team Trials - Track & Field. Eugene is home to 133 diverse
<br />as well.
<br />parks.
<br />Under the direction of the City Manager, six Departments provide
<br />The City of Eugene is in the forefront of sustainability efforts locally
<br />City services. These are Central Services, Fire & Emergency Medical
<br />and nationally and has been recognized for its commitment to meet
<br />Services, Recreation and Cultural Services, Planning and Development,
<br />today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to
<br />Police, and Public Works. In the annual operating budget, 43 City
<br />meet their needs. These practices include growth management, renewable
<br />services are grouped into the broad service areas of: Public Safety
<br />energy, public green spaces, alternative transportation, bike paths, a
<br />Services, Infrastructure and Planning Services, Cultural/Leisure
<br />green fleet, recycling and reuse, LED lighting, local and green purchasing
<br />Services, and Central Business Services.
<br />practices, reduction of carbon emissions, and green building policies.
<br />Eugene is striving to do even better, to be a sustainable communityThe City has a net operating budget of about $ 192.37 million, a
<br />that takes care of its people and economy, just as it takes care of itsgeneral fund net operating budget of just under $120 million and
<br />environment. Eugene strives to support businesses that produce sustain-a current capital budget of approximately $33.7 million. The total
<br />