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approved full-time staff is approximately 1,547. The Eugene WaterOversees personnel policies, administers labor relations, and <br />& Electric Board is Oregon?s largest public utility, and is chartered byassesses staffing levels and effectiveness. <br />the City of Eugene as a municipal utility with a separate elected board. <br />Ensures equal opportunity, fairness and consistency in all <br />The Position recruitment, selection, hiring, and promotions, and selects, <br />directs and evaluates key department/division heads. <br />As Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Eugene the manager <br />Directs economic, planning and community development efforts. <br />implements policy adopted by the council. <br />Works closely with Police, Fire and other agencies and departments <br />The ideal successful candidate will have strong team building, <br />to help ensure public protection and safety and ensures that the <br />leadership, financial/budgeting, communication and public relations <br />City?s emergency preparedness plans are maintained and updated. <br />skills. In general, the City Manager has responsibility for planning, <br />Assumes other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the <br />directing, organizing and controlling the activities of City departments, <br />Mayor and City Council. <br />agencies, and divisions through Department Directors and other <br />key management staff. <br />The Candidate <br />The City Manager will represent the City?s interests, according to coun- <br />cil policy, with other levels and agencies of government, business <br />interests, and the community at large. <br />Possession of a four-year college or university undergraduate <br />Typical duties and responsibilities of the position include: <br />degree with major course work in public administration, business <br />Directs and supervises the administration of all departments, <br />administration, urban planning, finance, or a closely related field <br />offices and agencies of the City except as otherwise provided <br />is required. <br />by Charter or City ordinance. <br />A minimum of nine years of increasingly responsible adminis- <br />Attends all City Council meetings, provides support, information <br />trative and managerial experience of which five years is preferred <br />and advice to the Mayor and Councilors and participates in <br />in a public or private agency involving responsibility for strong <br />discussions as warranted. <br />management and administration. Experience as a City/Town/Village <br />Manager or as an Assistant/Deputy Manager is preferred but not <br />Works closely with the Mayor and Council Members to ensure <br />required. <br />that the policy decisions of the elected officials are implemented <br />efficiently and assists the Mayor and Council in establishing <br />The ideal candidate will also have a Master?s degree or experience <br />goal priorities, strategies and timelines. <br />and training that would provide the required knowledge and <br />abilities equivalent to a Master?s or other Advanced degree. <br />Establishes priorities and effectively translates and implements <br />Council policy into work programs with clearly articulated <br />The ideal candidate will also have high-level managerial experience <br />timelines and benchmarks. <br />in an organization of similar size to Eugene or larger. <br />Prepares and submits the annual budget and capital programs <br />to the Mayor and City Council and directs ongoing analysis of <br />the City?s financial affairs including recommending appropriate <br />The successful candidate should have strong leadership, commu- <br />action to ensure financial stability and the adequacy of funds <br />nication, and interpersonal skills as well as solid presentation and <br />to meet current and future requirements including bond rating. <br />organizational abilities. This person should also have knowledge/ <br />Establishes and maintains a fair and equitable City organizationskills in: <br />where all community members have equal access to public in- <br />The principles and practices of business administration and <br />formation and services, and administrative decision making is <br />management. <br />accountable and transparent. <br />A hands-on understanding of a large urban municipal government <br />Coordinates City activities with other governmental agencies <br />or other organizations of similar complexity. <br />and outside agencies having an interest or potential interest <br />Management practice including finance, budget, personnel, labor <br />in affairs of City concern and interprets, analyzes and explains <br />negotiation, conflict management, planning, economic devel- <br />policies, procedures and programs. <br />opment, neighborhood planning, community relations, organization <br />Provides information to the Mayor and Council that exposits Council <br />management, and communications. <br />policy choices and options to be made, and provides recommenda- <br />tions and analysis of those recommendations for consideration.Up to date trends and practices that improve services. <br />