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CC Minutes - 10/08/07 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 10/08/07 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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Councilor Bettman asked if there was documentation to prove that the City’s grant application would be <br />more competitive if there was a 50 percent match. Ms. Weiss replied that the advice had come in conversa- <br />tions staff had been party to after a training staff had attended in Portland. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman ascertained from Ms. Weiss that the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Bond <br />contained $2 million dedicated to the Golden Gardens Park. She asked how much more the additional <br />acreage that was being purchased allegedly for the potential move of the county fairgrounds. Ms. Weiss <br />responded that the POS division was not exceeding the $2 million bond money for the Golden Gardens Park. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman commented that now the City was getting 300 acres for $2 million, whereas before it was <br />purchasing 100 acres for that amount of money. She called that a “huge discrepancy in numbers.” She <br />asked how the City could do this. Ms. Weiss replied that she believed that there were additional funding <br />sources that could be used for that park, such as systems development charges (SDCs). <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman ascertained from Ms. Weiss that SDCs were also available for the Beverly/Green <br />properties. She asserted that people voting for the bond did not know that land was being purchased with <br />the money with the thought in mind that the land could eventually be purchased by the County. She opined <br />that this was a misuse of that money. She said she would support the grant application at the 25 percent <br />level, as agreed upon at the CCIGR. She did not support leveraging additional grant money for land outside <br />of the urban growth boundary (UGB) when there was land within the UGB that the City wished to purchase. <br />She feared that money spent on the land outside the UGB would deplete funding and threaten the purchase <br />of the Beverly/Green properties. <br /> <br />Councilor Clark said as an effort of good faith he would be willing to not support the item in order to make <br />sure that the council would bear in mind while working on the acquisition of the Beverly/Green properties <br />that a promise of a community park had been made to the people of Santa Clara since 1998. He did not <br />want to see more money spent from the bond funds without this being assured. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor averred that money was already set aside for Santa Clara. She believed that the <br />acquisition of the Beverly/Green properties should be the City’s top priority. She did not think the <br />properties should cost $7 million. She asked if the council could approve the item contingent on receiving <br />the grant. <br /> <br />In response to a follow-up question from Councilor Taylor, Ms. Weiss affirmed that the City could back out <br />of the funding if the cost of the land proved to be more than $4 million. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor favored the application but felt that the acquisition of the Beverly/Green properties was <br />more important. She observed that there would be approximately $6 million left in the PROS funds and <br />asked if that would be enough to purchase the properties. Ms. Weiss responded that she could not say at <br />this point. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor asked if SDC funds were being diverted from the acquisition of those properties by the <br />Golden Gardens Park project. Ms. Weiss replied that there was approximately $2.5 million available in <br />SDCs at present. Councilor Taylor asked who made the decision to apply SDC funds to that project. Ms. <br />Weiss surmised that it was a staff decision made by executive management. <br /> <br />Councilor Pryor thought it would be difficult to get the Forest Legacy grant at the higher level. He wanted <br />the grant request to go through. He underscored that the City had sent a lobbyist to Salem to lobby for <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council October 8, 2007 Page 10 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />
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