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Eugene to be able to purchase land outside the UGB. He felt that for the City to “suddenly decide” it was <br />not a good idea was disingenuous. He said part of the reason the City lobbied for this was because of the <br />Ridgeline Trail, as it was important enough that the City was willing to purchase land outside of the UGB <br />for it. He ascertained from Ms. Weiss that the properties that were the subjects of the grant application <br />were located on the ridgeline. He believed everything before the council at present was consistent with what <br />the City indicated it wanted to do. He did not understand how this grant application could be considered to <br />be “outside reasonable or directional or what the City’s established that it wants to do.” He recalled that the <br />2006 PROS measure said funding was intended to purchase land, preserving natural open places near the <br />Ridgeline Trail, Willamette River, and Gillespie Butte. He underscored that the item before the council fit <br />that description. He said he would love to give staff the opportunity to go for the additional OWEB grant <br />but he was not certain there were the votes to do so. He believed the item was consistent with what the City <br />had said it wanted to do and to decide to pursue another course was not fair or reasonable. He reiterated <br />that this was what the City said it would do in the bond measure; this was what the City said it would do as <br />a matter of policy; and the properties were on the Ridgeline Trail corridor. <br /> <br />Ms. Weiss clarified that the Forest Legacy grant had been submitted at the 50 percent level on October 1. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka complained that the council had not been consulted about the change in the level of the <br />grant. He asked if the OWEB grant could be used to help purchase the Beverly/Green properties. Ms. <br />Weiss replied that the grant money could not be used under a condemnation proceeding. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka asked if the OWEB grant money could be utilized if there were willing sellers. Ms. <br />Weiss responded that this would be possible if the land was being purchased at the appraised value. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka asserted that the Beverly/Green properties were located on the Ridgeline Trail corridor. <br />He agreed with Councilor Ortiz that it was puzzling that the City was putting effort and creativity into <br />getting money for the Ridgeline Trail properties when there was clear direction from the council to put effort <br />into the purchase of the properties inside the UGB. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka asked what would happen if the City did not receive the OWEB grant. Ms. Weiss replied <br />that it would not impact the Santa Clara park project because it was in a different category of funding. She <br />noted that there was also funding set aside from the 1998 bond measure for Santa Clara. She stated that it <br />was as yet unknown whether it would affect the Beverly/Green parcels because the cost of the parcels was <br />not known. She reiterated that if the City did not receive the OWEB grant, the City would be faced with the <br />choice of pursuing other sources of funding or deciding not to pursue the acquisition of the Ridgeline <br />parcels. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka asked what staff would do in the absence of “clear council direction” on how to move <br />forward at that point. Ms. Weiss responded that staff would come before the council for direction. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka thought the Beverly/Green properties would likely be purchased using moneys designated <br />for parcels near the Ridgeline Trail. He felt the City was somewhat “stuck” because to say no to the OWEB <br />grant would mean the City would have to pay $2 million for the Ridgeline parcels and to say “yes” meant <br />the City would have to pay $1 million. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Councilor Clark, Ms. Weiss confirmed that the money from the 1998 and <br />2006 bonds that was dedicated for a park in the Santa Clara area may not be used for other projects. She <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council October 8, 2007 Page 11 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />