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Councilor Ortiz, seconded by Councilor Pryor, moved to approve the items on the Consent <br />Calendar. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman noted she had submitted minutes corrections earlier via e-mail. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy deemed them approved as submitted. She noted that Councilor Poling had submitted a <br />correction as well, also deemed approved. <br /> <br />Roll call vote; the motion to approve the Consent Calendar passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br /> <br />3. PUBLIC FORUM AND ACTION: <br /> <br />Candidate Profile for City Manager Recruitment <br /> <br />Acting Assistant City Manager Scott Luell introduced the subject. He said if the council took action at the <br />present meeting, staff would be able to put the candidate profile into the mail the next week and move the <br />process along. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman reiterated her wish to delete the weather report from the document. She also asserted <br />that there were three redundancies and listed them. <br /> <br />Additionally, Councilor Bettman expressed concern that some candidates might not apply for the position if <br />the interviews were not conducted in executive session, as their current employers would become aware of <br />the interview. She had noticed that the County conducted two days of hiring completely in executive <br />session. She wondered if the City could conduct its interviews in executive session. Executive Director of <br />the Human Resources Division, Lauren Chouinard, responded that he thought the recruiter the City hired <br />was adept at his job and would communicate to candidates when it reached the point at which they would <br />come for interviews. He noted that the last recruitment had been kept “under wraps” until the City narrowed <br />it to the last candidate, while Springfield had, in its most recent city manager hiring process, profiled the <br />final five candidates in the city newspaper. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy stated that no one had signed up for the public forum. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman recalled that when the council originally looked at the document there had been two parts <br />to it, one of which was the legal portion on which the contract would be based. She asked what part of the <br />current document constituted the legal language that would ultimately translate into the contract itself. <br /> <br />Mr. Chouinard stated that there was not much in the current document that would be legally binding and <br />would be placed into the contract. <br /> <br />City Attorney Jerry Lidz stated that, generally, if there were objective qualifications in the position <br />description, the City would be locked into those qualifications. He averred that the City needed to set the <br />qualifications carefully so it did not get a pool so wide that no one would be screened out; but they also did <br />not want to set such strict qualifications that a leading candidate would not meet them. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman asked when the council would see the contract for the City Manager position. She <br />wanted to know if it would be based on the criteria before them. Mr. Chouinard replied that he would look <br />into it. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council October 8, 2007 Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />