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<br />Councilor Ortiz, seconded by Councilor Pryor, moved to approve the candidate profile and <br />job description for the position of City Manager. Roll call vote; the motion passed unani- <br />mously, 8:0. <br /> <br /> <br />4. ACTION: <br /> <br />Resolution 4918 Approving a Multiple-Unit Property Tax Exemption for Residential Property <br />Located at 1360 and 1372 Patterson Street, Eugene, Oregon (Robert V. Newland, Applicant) <br /> <br />Community Development Director Richie Weinman stated that Mr. Newland was a lifelong resident of <br />Eugene and a businessman with no previous experience in housing development. He said Mr. Newland had <br />first contacted the Community Development Division in the spring and had worked closely with staff to “try <br />and do everything right.” He related that Mr. Newland worked with the neighborhood group and had <br />garnered unanimous approval from them for the project. He added that Senior Planner, Ken Guzowski, who <br />was staff liaison for the Historic Review Board indicated to him that the two existing houses on the <br />properties were not of significant historic value. <br /> <br />Mr. Weinman reported that staff supported the recommendation. He said that a question was whether the <br />council wished to address the application for the MUPTE at the present meeting or postpone it until after the <br />council work session on the MUPTE program. He underscored that Mr. Newland was concerned about the <br />timing of his project; if he did not complete it in a certain amount of time, it would create financial issues for <br />the project. If the decision on the MUPTE was delayed, Mr. Newland indicated that he would have to <br />decide whether to pursue the project. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman asked what the “discrete subject” of the MUPTE work session was. Mr. Weinman <br />replied that the work session had been requested by the councilors. He said he would review the history of <br />the program at the session. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman asked if there had been a council poll. Mayor Piercy replied that she wanted the council <br />to have this discussion because if different standards were going to be applied for one area then the program <br />needed to be revised to reflect this. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka recalled that the last MUPTE application that had come before the council was from the <br />campus area and had been voted down. He said this had raised questions about where the boundary for the <br />MUPTE should fall. He felt that without the MUPTE the smaller developers had a difficult time coming up <br />with the equity cash to build the projects, causing them to be pushed out of the marketplace and pushing the <br />development onto larger developers. He was interested in having an indepth discussion of the program at the <br />work session. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman thought it would be prudent for the council to consider whether it should take action on <br />the application before or after the work session first. <br /> <br />Councilor Ortiz, seconded by Councilor Pryor, moved to approve Resolution 4918, a Mul- <br />tiple Unit Property Tax Exemption for residential property located at 1360 and 1372 Pat- <br />terson Street. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council October 8, 2007 Page 5 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />