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CC Minutes - 10/08/07 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 10/08/07 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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Councilor Bettman, seconded by Councilor Taylor, moved to postpone the adoption until <br />after the work session. <br /> <br />Councilor Solomon believed the applicant had gone through a process and had done “his homework.” It <br />appeared to her that the application met the City’s standards. She felt the development would be the highest <br />and best use of those properties. Additionally, the unanimous support of the West University Neighbors <br />(WUN) for the project carried a lot of weight for her. She did not think that that the timeline should change <br />for Mr. Newland just because the council wished to discuss the MUPTE program in the larger context. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka asked the council to consider having the discussion first. He did not believe that two <br />weeks would make a big difference in Mr. Newland’s timeline. <br /> <br />Councilor Poling could not support postponing the item. He underscored that Mr. Newland followed all of <br />the rules the City had set. He said Mr. Newland should not be punished just because the council had <br />changed its collective mind and decided to revisit the MUPTE program. <br /> <br />Councilor Clark opposed postponement. He averred that a delay would create a significant burden for Mr. <br />Newland. He reiterated that the applicant had abided by the rules. He added that the opportunity to have <br />something like this project built in the University area alleviated issues the Rental Housing Program dealt <br />with in “a very common sense way.” He said the rental program worked in the City to alleviate rundown <br />student housing and this was an opportunity to build brand new “state-of-the-art” student housing. <br /> <br />Councilor Ortiz also could not support postponement. She felt it would be akin to moving the bar for Mr. <br />Newland. She stressed that he had applied for the MUPTE under the current criteria and if the council said <br />the City would begin processing applications for the program differently starting tomorrow and he applied at <br />that time she would feel differently. <br /> <br />Councilor Pryor concurred. He averred that the current MUPTE was adequate. He did not think the <br />discussion the council would have should bear on this particular application. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor declared that the MUPTE was never supposed to be automatic; it was a City Council <br />decision. She opined that there would be development whether the City granted a tax break or not. She felt <br />that just because it was going to be a good project did not mean it should receive the tax exemption. <br /> <br />Roll call vote; the motion to postpone failed, 5:3; councilors Bettman, Taylor, and Zelenka <br />voting in favor. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman agreed that Mr. Newland was “a nice man” and the project was a good one. She took <br />issue with the notion of subsidizing student housing. She averred that the concentration of students in the <br />area put a burden on the infrastructure. She thought a lot of construction was happening in the campus area <br />and would continue without the exemption. She opposed giving a tax break for student housing as the <br />vacancy rate was low and it was very profitable. She supported granting a MUPTE in certain neighbor- <br />hoods and under certain circumstances. She did not believe it was justifiable to forego tax dollars needed to <br />provide services in this case. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka complimented Mr. Newland on his proposal and his outreach to councilors and to the <br />neighborhood. He said the notion that Mr. Newland had followed the rules was “not good enough” for him. <br />He projected the exemption to amount to $340,000 over ten years. He underscored that he wished to ensure <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council October 8, 2007 Page 6 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />
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