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other valuable consideration for obtaining signatures of electors on the <br />initiative or referendum petition. After the prospective petition is filed, <br />the chief petitioners shall notify the city recorder not later than the tenth <br />day after any of the chief petitioners first has knowledge or should have <br />had knowledge that: <br />(a) Any person is being paid for obtaining signatures, when the <br />statement included with the prospective petition declared that no <br />such person would be paid. <br />(b) No person is being paid for obtaining signatures, when the <br />statement included with the prospective petition declared that one <br />or more such persons would be paid. <br />(3) <br /> Signature Sheets on Initiative Petition. On an initiative petition, each <br />signature sheet shall contain the caption of the ballot title issued <br />pursuant to section 2.977. <br />(4) <br /> Signature Sheets on Referendum Petition. On a referendum petition, <br />each signature sheet shall contain either the caption of the ballot title or <br />the title of the ordinance to be referred. <br />(5) <br /> The reverse side of the cover of an initiative or referendum petition and <br />both sides of a signature sheet may be used for obtaining signatures on <br />an initiative or referendum petition. If both sides of a signature sheet are <br />used, each side shall contain the information required on a signature <br />sheet under subsection (2) of this section. <br />(6) <br /> Not more than 20 signatures on the cover or on each side of each sheet <br />of the initiative or referendum petition shall be counted. The cover of the <br />initiative or referendum petition, if the cover is used to gather <br />signatures, and each signature sheet shall be verified on its face by the <br />signed statement of the circulator that the individuals signed the cover <br />or sheet in the presence of the circulator, on the date indicated, and that <br />the circulator believes each individual is an elector registered in the city. <br />Such verification shall be on a form prescribed by the city recorder. <br />(7) <br /> Each person collecting signatures must carry at least one complete and <br />correct copy of the text of the initiative measure or ordinance being <br />referred and must allow any person to review the text upon request.] <br />(2) When a prospective petition is submitted to the city recorder, the <br />city recorder shall, as soon as possible, determine whether the <br />prospective petition is in the proper form, including but not limited <br />to compliance with the requirements of subsection 2.974(a) of this <br />code, and; <br />(a) If the prospective petition is not in the proper form, return the <br />prospective petition to the person submitting it and advise <br />that person what the defects are; <br />(b) If the prospective petition is in the proper form: <br />1. Advise the person submitting the prospective petition of <br />the number of signatures necessary to place the petition <br />on the ballot; <br />2. Advise the person submitting the petition of the <br /> <br /> <br />