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deadlines in subsections (c) and (d) of section 2.974 of <br />this code; <br />3. Specify the size and kind of paper on which the <br />prospective petition is to be duplicated; <br />4. Date and time stamp the prospective petition; and <br />5. Initial the prospective petition and approve it for <br />circulation. <br />(3) On the next business day after a prospective petition in the proper <br />form is submitted to the city recorder, the city recorder shall <br />transmit a copy of the prospective petition to the city attorney for <br />review and action under section 2.977 of this code. <br />(4) The prospective petition shall include a statement signed by the <br />chief petitioner(s) declaring whether one or more persons will be <br />paid money or other valuable consideration for obtaining <br />signatures on the initiative or referendum petition. Once the <br />prospective petition is approved for circulation, the chief <br />petitioners shall notify the city recorder not later than the tenth <br />day after any of the chief petitioners first has knowledge or should <br />have had knowledge that: <br />(a) Any person is being compensated for obtaining signatures, if <br />the statement included with the prospective petition declared <br />that no such person would be compensated. <br />(b) No person is being compensated for obtaining signatures, if <br />the statement included with the prospective petition declared <br />that one or more such persons would be compensated. <br /> <br />2.97[6] Elections - Initiative and Referendum, [Procedure Prior to Circulation of <br />4 <br />Petition] . [(1)] <br />Petition Requirements[Presentation.] No completed <br />initiative or referendum petition may be submitted to the city recorder <br /> <br />unless: <br />(a) Prior to its circulation a prospective petition [is filed with] was <br />submitted to the city recorder [containing]. The prospective petition <br />must contain a copy of the legislation sought to be submitted to the <br />electors and a signed statement on the face of the petition of the names <br />and addresses of not more than three [persons or entities under whose <br />sponsorship the petition has been prepared and is to be circulated] <br />chief petitioners. If [the sponsor of the petition] one or more of the <br />chief petitioners is an organization, the prospective petition shall <br />disclose [its] the name and address [and] of the organization, the <br />name and address of each of the principal officers of the organization <br />and the signature of the chief officer of the organization; <br />(b) As circulated, the prospective petition complies with the city recorder's <br />specifications [listed below] and the requirements of this code, <br />contains the caption or ordinance title required by section [2.973(3)] <br />2.975 of this code, and contains the names and addresses of the <br />[sponsors of the petition] chief petitioners; <br /> <br /> <br />