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(a) Witnessed the signing of the signature sheet by each <br />individual whose signature appears on the signature sheet; <br />and <br /> (b) Believes each individual is an elector registered in the city. <br />(5) Each person collecting signatures must carry at least one <br />complete and correct copy of the text of the initiative measure or <br />the ordinance being referred and must allow any person to review <br />the text upon request. <br /> <br />2.977 Elections - Initiative and Referendum, Preparation of Ballot Title; <br />Appeal. <br />(1) <br /> Within five business days following the city attorney's receipt of a <br />prospective petition for an [initiated] initiative or referendum measure, <br />the city attorney shall review the prospective petition for legal <br />sufficiency, and, if appropriate, issue a ballot title. <br />(a) If the city attorney determines that the prospective petition is <br />legally insufficient, the city attorney shall inform the city recorder in <br />writing of the reasons for that determination. The city recorder <br />shall return the prospective petition to the [person presenting the <br />petition]chief petitioners, along with a copy of the city attorney's <br />written determination. <br />(b) If the city attorney determines that the prospective petition is <br />legally sufficient, the city attorney shall prepare a ballot title and <br />deliver it to the city recorder. The city recorder shall provide a <br />copy of the ballot title to the chief petitioners. <br />(2) <br /> Within five business days following the council's decision to submit <br />legislation to the electors under subsection [(3) of section] 2.971(3) of <br />this code, the city attorney shall prepare a ballot title and deliver it to the <br />city recorder. <br />(3) <br /> The ballot title of any measure to be initiated or referred shall comply <br />with the state statutes in effect at the time the ballot title is prepared. <br />The ballot title shall not resemble, to the extent it creates confusion, any <br />ballot title previously [filed] prepared for a measure to be submitted to <br />the electors at [that] the same election. <br />(4) Upon receiving a ballot title for a city measure from the city <br />attorney, the city recorder shall publish in the next available <br />edition of a newspaper of general circulation in the city a notice of <br />receipt of the ballot title including notice that an elector may file a <br />petition for review of the ballot title not later than the date referred <br />to in subsection (5) of this section. <br />([4]) <br />5 An elector dissatisfied with the ballot title may, within [five] seven <br />business days after it is delivered to the city recorder, [deposit at the <br />office of the city recorder a written appeal to the council requesting a <br />different ballot title for the measure and stating why the title prepared by <br />the city attorney is unsatisfactory. Within ten business days after the <br />ballot title is delivered to the city recorder, the council shall afford the <br /> <br /> <br />