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(c) The date of the first [signature on the petition is affixed] signature on <br />the petition is no later than 90 days after the issuance of the ballot title <br />on the measure; and <br />(d) The completed petition is [filed with] submitted to the city recorder for <br />[certification and approval] signature verification no later than 100 <br />days after the date of the first signature on the petition [is affixed]. A <br />completed referendum petition shall be [filed] submitted to the city <br />recorder by that time or by the effective date of the legislation sought <br />to be referred [takes effect], whichever is earlier. <br />[(2) <br /> Specifications and Referral for Ballot Title. When a prospective petition <br />is filed, the city recorder shall immediately: <br />(a) Determine whether the petition is in the proper form; <br />(b) Advise the person presenting the petition whether it is in proper <br />form and, if it is not, what the defects are; <br />(c) Advise the person depositing the petition of the election filing <br />deadline provided by section 2.992 of this code; <br />(d) Specify the mode of duplicating the petition and the size and kind <br />of paper on which it is to be duplicated; and <br />(e) Transmit a copy of the petition to the city attorney for review and <br />action under section 2.977 of this code.] <br /> <br />2.975 Elections – Form of Petition and Signature Requirements. <br />(1) Signature sheets for an initiative or referendum petition shall be <br />double-sided. <br />(2) The front side of each signature sheet shall contain: <br />(a) The names and residence addresses of all chief petitioners; <br />(b) Instructions adopted by the Secretary of State for persons <br />obtaining signatures on the petition; and <br />(c) If the petition is an initiative petition, the caption of the ballot <br />title issued pursuant to section 2.977 of this code; <br />(d) If the petition is a referendum petition, either the caption of <br />the ballot title issued pursuant to section 2.977 of this code <br />or the title of the ordinance to be referred. <br />(3) The reverse side of an initiative or referendum petition shall: <br />(a) Be used for obtaining signatures; <br />(b) If the petition is an initiative petition, include the caption of <br />the ballot title for the initiative measure; <br />(c) If the petition is a referendum petition, include the number of <br />the ordinance to be referred and the date it was adopted by <br />the council. <br />(d) If one or more persons will be paid for obtaining signatures <br />on the petition, contain a notice stating: “Some circulators <br />for this petition are being paid.” <br />(4) Not more than 20 signatures on each signature sheet of the <br />initiative or referendum petition shall be counted. The circulator <br />shall certify on each signature sheet that the circulator: <br /> <br /> <br />