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Ordinance No. 20234 Exhibit C
City of Eugene
2001 No. 20220-20243
Ordinance No. 20234 Exhibit C
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<br />#1, #2, #3 and #5) will expand housing opportunities for the region's citizens. These <br />policies support and reinforce adopted Metro Plan fundamental principals, goals and poli- <br />cies to achieve compact urban growth, increase residential densities, and increase mixed- <br />use developments in designated areas. The proposed Metro Plan diagram designation of <br />ND, Nodal Development, will facilitate implementation of these housing opportunities. <br />Adoption of Finance Policy #5 requires that transportation facilities and improvements to <br />support nodal development will be included among short-term project priorities. There- <br />fore, the revisions to TransPlan and the Metro Plan amendments comply with Goal 10. <br /> <br />Goalll-Public Facilities and Services: To plan and develop a timely, orderly and ef- <br />ficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban <br />and rural development. <br /> <br />The proposals to adopt revisions to TransPlan and amend the Metro Plan text concern <br />only the provision of transportation facilities. Transportation System Improvements <br />Policies guide planning and implementation for all transportation system modes and Fi- <br />nance Policies # 1 through #5 guide the development and allocation of funding for trans- <br />portation services, facilities and projects. As required by the Goal 11 administration rule' <br />(OAR 660, Division 11), a written description of the general location or service area of <br />the projects in the 20-year Capital Investment Actions project lists are adopted as part of <br />the MetroPlan. Therefore, the revisions to TransPlan and the Metro Plan amendments <br />comply with Goal 11. <br /> <br />Goall2- Transportation: To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic <br />transportation system. <br /> <br />The proposals to adopt revisions to TransPlan and amend the Metro Plan text were devel- <br />oped to meet the goals of an integrated transportation and land use system that enhances <br />the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area's quality of life and economic opportunity <br />(Goals 1 and 2). The revisions to TransPlan seek to achieve these goals through three <br />sets of strategies: land "use measures, transportation demand management, and transporta- <br />tion system improvements. Together, these strategies form a balanced and integrated <br />framework for meeting the Transportation Planning Rule purpose to "promote the devel- <br />opment of safe, convenient and economic transportation systems that are designed to re- <br />duce reliance on the automobile so that the air pollution, traffic and other livability prob- <br />lems faced by urban areas in other parts of the county might be avoided." Land Use Poli- <br />cies encourage transportation-efficient development'patterns, such as nodal development <br />and transit-supportive land use patterns which reduce trip lengths and auto dependency <br />and support transit, bicycling, and walking. Transportation Demand Management Poli- <br />cies focus on reducing demand on the transportation system by actions that eliminate the <br />need for vehicle trips and increase the use of transit, carpooling and vanpooling, bicy- <br />cling, and walking. Transportation System Improvements Policies address the need for <br />improved operations and maintenance of the existing system and investments in system <br />infrastructure and services. These policies are supported by Finance Policies which pro- <br /> <br />Exhibit C <br />Findings in Support of the Adoption of TransPlan <br /> <br />12 <br />
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