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Ms. Piercy stated that the Sustainability Commission’s suggestions had been particularly helpful with respect to <br />how STP-U funds would be applied in Eugene. Ms Piercy further stated that she looked forward to seeing how <br />the commission’s input would influence sustainability discussions for the City Council and other agencies. <br />Ms. Medary suggested that the Sustainability Commission and City staff would continue to investigate ways in <br />which the triple bottom line assessment tools and sustainability considerations could be incorporated into as <br />many City areas and decisions as possible. <br />Ms. Medary noted that staff would try to find ways for the Sustainability Commission to provide more regular <br />updates to the council. <br />Mr. Zelenka responded to Ms. Medary’s comment and noted that the council’s meeting on May 10 would <br />involve initial discussions on the nexus between land use and transportation planning issues. <br />Ms. Piercy, responding to a question from Mr. Skov, noted that the Sustainability Commission members were <br />encouraged to attend the council’s May 10 meeting. <br />Ms. Piercy suggested that someone with expertise in sustainability areas might make an effective replacement <br />for Mr. Finney as the City’s Interim Sustainability Manager. <br />Ms. Piercy thanked Mr. Skov for his presentation. <br />C. WORK SESSION: Redesigned Home Page <br />Community Relations Manager Jan Bohman provided an overview of the City’s redesigned home page and <br />noted that the City’s efforts to replace its entire portal website platform were expected to be completed by the <br />end of 2011. She further noted that the City, through its home page redesign efforts, was attempting to better <br />represent the community personality of the City of Eugene. <br />Ms. Bohman stated that the home page redesign efforts were also part of the City’s strategic communications <br />plan. Staff had conducted interviews with various community members for that and received feedback <br />regarding the website that had been considered in the homepage redesign. <br />Ms. Bohman described in detail the various changes that had been incorporated in the City’s home page <br />redesign. <br />Ms. Bohman noted that Applications Systems Analyst Kim McCrea had helped implement many of the new <br />features of the redesigned home page and that AIC Public Service Officer Jeffrey Flowers had developed the <br />layout of the new home page. <br />Ms. Bohman noted that the City slogan “The World’s Greatest City of the Arts and Outdoors” had been changed <br />to “A Great City for the Arts and Outdoors” on the redesigned home page. <br />Ms. Bohman noted that the City Council’s current discussion topics had been highlighted on the redesigned <br />home page. <br />Ms. Bohman, responding to a request from Ms. Taylor, demonstrated for the council members how the links for <br />certain City departments had been altered on the redesigned home page in order to make them easier to navigate <br />and access. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council April 28, 2010 Page 6 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />