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4(x'7 <br />Such record shall be made daily from the reports made by the Inspectors under - <br />the provision of this ordinance. All such records shall be public. <br />113.- The annual 'report of 'the Bureau of Fire Preventionshall be made on <br />request ~of, and shall ~be tran$mi~tted to the City Manager; it shall contain all <br />proceedings under this ordinance, with such statistics as tre Chief of the Fire <br />Department may ~:risr: to include therein; the fire Chief of the Fire Department <br />shall also recommend any amendments•to the ordinances which, in his judemPnt, <br />Fha.T7. be desir. ea;ble~. <br />111e Nothing contained: i~n•this ordinance shall be construed as applying to <br />the 'transportation of -an:y~article or thing shipped in conformity with the <br />regulations prescribed' by~the •Inters•tate Commerce Commission, nor as applying <br />to the military or naval forces of the United States. <br />lI The word "person" vrhe.rever used in this ordinance shall be construed. <br />to include person, persons, firm or corporation. - <br />116. "Approved° shen"applied to materials, type of construction and appliances <br />refer. s to a~prcval rt> tyie Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention as a result <br />of inveGtigationsarid. tests •conducted by him or. ~by reason of accepted principles <br />or testy by 'the tla,tional Board df Fire Und•ervrri~e~~ or the Undervriters' Laborat- <br />oriea; Inc., or the'PTa.tiorial Bureau of Standards. <br />11 ~ A permit is the written a~~thority of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, <br />issued purstia.nt•tc this ordinance, to have, keep, store, use, manufacture, sell <br />handle and transport e~;plosives ; flar~mab7_e materials and rubbish, a.s hereinafter <br />defined; and to construct; operate or maintain establishments •hereinafter <br />specified. ~ ~ - ' <br />118: ?a'henever'the'Bureau of •Fi:re Prevention shall reject or refulee to grant <br />a pernit, 'or t~rhen 'it is claimed 'tha.t provisions of this ordinance or any ordinance <br />or. any ordinances relating thereto do not apply,~or ~~rhen it is claimed that the <br />true intent and meaning of this ordinance or any regulations have been miscon- <br />strued or wrongly interpreted, and. the permit applied for having been refused by <br />the Bureau of Fire Prevention, thin any person may appeal from the decision of <br />the Bureau of Fire Prevention, in writing, as outlined in Section 108. <br />11 In determining the flash point of flammable liquids, the Tag Closed - <br />Tester (standardized by the National Bureau of Standards) shah be authoritatibe <br />in case of dispute. All. tests shah. be made in a.ccordarce vrith the met2-iods of <br />tests as adopted by the American Socibty for Testing raterials. <br />120. The City Engineer, the Chief of the Fire Department znd the Chief of the <br />Bureau of Fire Prevention shall act as a Committee on dett:rmination, and specify <br />any new materials, procecces or occupancies, and trades vrhich shall require permits <br />in addition to those now enumerated- in this ordinance. The Chief of the Bureau <br />of Fire Prevention shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office, - <br />and shall. also maintain in his office details and descMiptive drawings showing <br />approved and acceptable methods of storing, handling or protecting such materials <br />as shall be deemed as requiring a permit. <br />121. The intent of this ordinance is to safeguard and restrict tb.e storage; <br />handling and use of dangerous and hazardous materials to a reasonable degree ~.rith <br />respect to injury to persons and destruction of property. Installation, const- <br />ruction and safeguards shall be provided in a standard modern and approved manner. <br />Compliance raith Sta.ndard.s of the National Board of. Fire Underwriters shall be ' <br />prim. facie evider_ce of such approved manner. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire <br />Prevention shall maintain a public file og the Standards of the National Board <br />of Fire Underwriters, tir~+;ch steal?_ be deemed as advisory requirements to this <br />ordunance insofar as they c?n be applied to e?.ch particular. installation for which <br />a permit is required. <br />122. ?~efere permits may bP issued, the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention <br />or his assiGtants, steal? inspect and approve the receptacles, veh'_cles, buil.flings <br />or. storage places to be used. - <br />12 All applications for. permits .required by this ordinance shall b e made <br />to the Bureau of Fire Prevention in such form end detail as it shall prescribe. <br />12~. Every permit granted by the Bureau of rite Prevention tinder the provisions <br />of this ordinance shall be for such period as the Chief of the Bureau nay determine, <br />r_ot to exceed one year. Such pe-rL~it must at all times be kept on the premises <br />designated therein, and shall at all times be s~~bject to inspection by any officer <br />of the fire or police departments. <br />12 One permit only shall be required by retail establishments dealing in, or <br />manufacturing plants using, two or more flammable combustible or. explosive materials <br />to be kept in the establishment at any one time. <br />