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~3- <br />ORDINANCE N0. 110 <br />An Ordinance ordering a sioecial election for submitting to the electors of the <br />City of Eugene, Oregon, at such special election, to be held on the 21st day of May, <br />lo1+g, concurrently ~~rith the State General Primary Nominating Election, the following <br />proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Eugene, referred to the electors <br />of said city by the Common Council for their approval or rejection, and adopting <br />the polling places and using the Judges and Clerks provided and ap pointed by the <br />County for the said State General Primary Nominating election, and providing for <br />a,ll acts necessary for the carrging on of said election, and declaring an emergency. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />1 <br />Section 1. The Common Counci 1 does hereby order a special election to be held <br />in the City of Eugene, Oregon, on Friday, the 21st day of May, l~~g, at which elec- <br />tion there sha1.1 be submitted to the electors of said city for their approval or <br />rejection, the following proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Eugene, <br />Oregon, to-wit: <br />Proposed by resolution by the Common Council and referred to the Electors: <br />Numbers 500-501 To amend the Charter of the City of Eugene, Oregon, b~ <br /> <br /> <br />adding a new chapter thereto authorizing and empowering the_ Common Council of the <br />City of Eugene to construct, reconstruct, repair, extend and enlarge the se~,rer and <br />drainage system of the City of Eugene by constructing, reconstructing, repairing, <br />extending apd enlarging the Amazon drainage channel; to secure by purchase, con- <br />demnation or otherwise within or without the City all real estate, rights of way <br />and easements necessary to said enlargement, improvement and. extension; to construct, <br />reconstruct and bridges crossing the Anla.zon drainage channel and to issue <br />and sell. negotiable General Obligations Bonds of the City of Eugene in the sum of <br />$00,000.00, or so much thereof, shall be necess-~ry for such purpose, and to expend <br />the proceeds with any other available funds, in payment therefor. <br />Numbers 502-50j To amend the Charter of the City of Eugene by adding a new <br />chapter thereto authorizing and empo~<rering the Common Council of the City of Eugene <br />to design, construct, reconstruct, add to and repair the dams, intake, channels, <br />spill ways, outlets and all other parts of the mill race and to restore a flour of <br />water thereto. Said City of Eugene shall not have the right to obtain or purchase <br />easements or real property for right of taay purposes; and to issue and sell negoti- <br />able General Obligation Bonds of the City of Eugene in the snm of $20,000.00 or so <br />much thereof as shall be necessary to equal and match any amount depositbd with the <br />Treasurer of the City of Eugene to be used for the same purp oses, and said City <br />shall be authorized to expend the proceeds from the sale of said bonds with any other <br />available funds in payment therefor. <br />Numbers 50~-505 To amend the Charter of the City of Eugene, Oregon, by add- <br />ing a ne~,u Chapter thereto authorizing and. empowering the Common Council of the City <br />of Eugene to purchase, erect and. install two fire dep~.rtment sub-stations and fire <br />fighting equipment, including a, fire alarm system and aerial ladder truck and to <br />issue and sell negotiable General Obligation Bonds of the City of Eugene in the <br />sum of $120,000.00 or so much thereof, as shall be necessary for such purposes, <br />and to expend the proceeds, with any other available funds in payment therefor. <br />Numbers 506-507 To amend the Charter of the City of Eugene by adding a new <br />Chapter thereto authorizing and empo~~rering the Common Council of the City of Eugene <br />for the purpose of employing and paying the salaries of additional fire dep_a.rtment <br />personnel to include in its general tax levy each year, such special levy as shall <br />be required, in the judgment of the Common Council, not to exceed taro mills upon <br />the dollar valuation, for the emyoloyment and. payment of salaries of additional fire <br />department personnel for the City of Eugene; all to be in addition to existing <br />levies. This levy shall be in addition to and. in excess of the constitutional 6 <br />per cent limitation upon the City~s tax levy. <br /> <br />